Chapter 10- Confusing?

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Violetta's POV:

"C'mon guys! We have got to think of the song we are going to perform for the presentation!" Says Camilla.

Everyone gathers around the piano and thinks.

Tomas comes in and stands across from me. He looks at me for a second and then quickly looks back down. I hope he's still not mad...

"Ser Mejor?" Asks Broduey.

"Isn't that too safe?" Says Naty.

"Yes People! We have got to make it spectacular! How about... Destinada a Brillar?!"

"No..." People murmured.

"How about Voy Por Ti?" I suggest.

Ludmilla scoffs at me.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that in front of Tomas and all...

"We should do... Algo Suena en Mi?"

"No!" Shouts Ludmilla.

Everyone is discussing which song to do and arguing.

I stand up on stage and yell.

"Hey!" I shout.

Francesca smiles and gets up on stage next to me.

"Why don't we work together? Mash up the songs? It's not difficult!"

"Yeah. I agree" says Fran listening and nodding her head.

"Let's not fight and repeat what we did last year... This is our final year at the studio... We have got to be professional about this!"

"So..." Says Maxi. "Should we sing... Juntos Somos Más?"

"Yeah that's a good song" says Cami agreeing.

"It's not bad" says Ludmilla slightly satisfied.

"Okay then let's get to work on that song! Does any one object?"

Everyone looks around at each other and shakes their head.

"Great!" I say. I get off stage and everyone practices Juntos Somos Mas.


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Ludmilla's POV:

Now that I'm dating Federico, I can't be with Tomas. He has come back unexpectedly and hasn't even said a word to me!

"H-hey Tomas" I say nervously.

"Oh erm... Hey Ludmilla" he says waving.

"How are you?" I ask trying to be cheerful.

"Good, and you?"

Aww! He asked me how I was! Obviously he cares about me which means he still has feelings for me!

"I'm good but I need to tell you something!"

"Okay, what is it?"

"I'm with Federico!"

"Oh really? That's great! I'm really happy for you Ludmi" he says smiling.

He probably is raging with jealousy on the inside.

"Yes! It's wonderful! We are so happy together!"

"Good for you" he says patting me on the shoulder.

"It is good for me!" I say trying to make him jealous.

He just keeps smiling.

"Tomas... What's wrong with you?!"

"Wait what?!" He asks jumping back.

"Aren't you jealous?!?" I ask shouting.

"Uh... I gotta go..." He says looking behind me.

"What! where?!" I ask.

"Erm... To go talk to... Violetta!" He quickly runs off and goes over to Vilu.

"Ugh!" I flip my hair and walk away in anger.


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Violetta's POV:

Tomas runs into me and smiles.

"Hey!" He says looking back as if to check if he was safe.

"Um Hi? What are you doing?"

"I came to talk to you..."

"You did?" I ask happily.

Maybe he does forgive me?

"Yeah! Erm... Definitely..." He says nervously.


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Tomas' POV:

Yikes! Ludmilla is still crazy! At least she has a boyfriend now... I hope she gets over me!

I had to make up an excuse to not answer her question! I saw Violetta behind her and quickly escaped!

Now that I got over that awkward situation, I think I might have just gotten myself into another one...

"So what's up?" I ask awkwardly.

"I'm just working on a song" She says smiling.


She seems really happy. It's probably because she thinks I forgive her now... And I slightly do because she's Violetta and Violetta has always been one of the nicest people and she's always there for me... But I can't help but still feel a bit mad and embarrassed. She had a boyfriend the whole time... I thought she had already knew that I wanted to be more than just friends... She could have just told me...

I decided to go along with it and we ended having a good conversation. Her smile makes me forget all of my frustration. At the end, she surprisingly hugged me... But I didn't mind. I smiled at her and then walked away.


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Violetta's POV:

I can't believe I hugged Tomas... I guess I was just so happy that we were friends again and that he forgave me so easily. Leon would never have done that. He's still mad at me... I can't help but think that he's already moved on. So why shouldn't I? I know I have some feelings left for Tomas... But I also know I don't want to feel like I'm betraying Leon. Everything is just so confusing now. I need another hug.


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