Chapter 27- Arrival.

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Leon's POV:

Me and Lara get off the airport in Paris, France.

"This is incredible! I love Paris!" She says hugging me.

"Can't wait to perform here."


A lot of activities we did in Paris were simple, like eating crepes and taking pictures of the eiffel tower. Thank god we didn't have to be in the buddy system... It was getting kind of annoying...

Lara, me, Francesca, Camilla, Ludmilla, Federico, Violetta and Tomas all went up to the eiffel tower and took pictures of the amazing view.

"Hey! We should get a picture together??" Says Lara beaming.

"Yeah, sure" I say smiling.

"Oh Violetta!" Calls Lara.

My smile drops for a brief second. I get that Violetta was the person closest to us but did she really have to call her over...

"Yeah?" She asks eyeing the two of us.

"Will you take our picture please?"

"Erm... Sure"

She holds the camera up and Lara and I smile.


"Thanks Violetta!" Lara says beaming.



After, checking into our French hotel we watched tv and stayed in our rooms for the rest of the night.


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Violetta's POV:

I got out my diary and started writing.

Dear Diary,

For our first tour destination we traveled to Barcelona! It was amazing... And beautiful there. Now we are in Paris... I'm really hoping that Tomas asks me out or something. Recently, I haven't been able to get him out of my mind. He's been oddly quiet this whole time but hopefully I will get to talk to him in the "city of love". Speaking of which, I had a lovely crepe this morning and it was delicious!

Well anyways, Tomorrow we will start practicing like we did before and then a few days after that will be another performance... Same routine, different country. I should get to bed.

I will carry on writing in this diary when I get back from the tour.. Or if something exciting happens


I stopped writing in my diary, yawned and then fell asleep under the covers.



I will update for this book at least two times a day until september because I really want to try to finish this book before school starts🎀

Also, I won't be active on wattpad during the school year so I don't know what to do :(

I guess I will just update for the weekends😭

But enough of the sad news...


This time I am making a collab with @tombknife23 and we already made a collab account: @JorgeAndTini

So go follow that account and I will notify you when we post Chapter 1 👍


How was this chapter? Is there anything you want me to improve?



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