Chapter 41- Back on Tour

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Daily Book Recommendations?

😝I like @TinistaFromTheUk's book:

A new world (A Violetta Fanfiction)

😋I also like @tombknife23's book:

Unconditional Love: A leonetta fanfiction

Quick note; Incase you are confused I am going to start of this chapter with a time lapse so it is about 2 months later in February


Violetta's POV:

"Dear Diary,

It's a new year, so it's a new me.

It's been roughly 2 months since I haven't wrote in this thing... So I guess I should explain what happened.

I got a new burst of energy... I'm happy... There's no stress or drama in my life... I just feel amazing!

I found out that I am getting a sister soon! I am so happy for my dad and Angie... I'm also really excited to get to know her...

I'm still dating Tomas and everything is going perfectly! He's amazing and kind and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend!

Oh! I forgot to mention that we are back on tour... Only a couple more places to visit... Right now, we are in England... It's an amazing country... The people are nice as well but we are getting packed to go to-"

I jump in fear as someone slams the door behind me.


"Oops! Sorry Vilu! Didn't mean to scare you... This door is really loud..."

"It's okay Fran" I say smiling and closing my diary.

"So, you're writing in your diary again?"

"Yep. I have a new side to myself so I just want to let it all out"

"Okay well that's neat... Anyways we better get packing if we are gonna head to Mexico city."

"Oh yeah... Erm...I'm already set"

"Wow... Well I guess I'm just lazy" says Fran laughing.

"Go pack Francesca!"

"Okay, okay!"


We head to the airport and meet up with the rest of the guys.

"Hey my lovely girlfriend" says Tomas hugging my waist.

"Hello love" I say gazing into his eyes.

"Ready to fly to Mexico City?"

"Um... Yeah!" I say.

"Great, so we're still be sitting next to each other on the plane right?"

"Of course." I say smiling. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm gonna go... Talk to the girls"

"Okay bye"


I walk over to Camilla.

"Vilu, hey!"

"Hey Cami"

I sit beside them and wait.

After a while Fran looks at me worriedly.

"Vilu, you look upset?"

"No... I'm not..."

"Okay well let's talk about you and Tomas!" Says Cami excitedly. "You two have been really close!"

"Yeah we are I guess"

"Vilu, can I talk to you?" Fran asks.



"Okay what's up?" Fran says crossing her arms.

"Nothing at all!"

"I think I know what this is about..."

"What? There's nothing wrong..."

"See! You're trying to avoid it! You can't forget the fact that you didn't show Leon the video!"


"Violetta you can't just run away from your problems... Talk to me"

"Running's all I'm good at" I mumble.

"Violetta" she says sternly.

"Fine... I still regret it okay? I thought I could forget about it and change but... The fact that I was too scared and just left him like that... I just feel bad..."

"Why didn't you tell him Vilu? Why were you scared in the first place?"

"Because!" I said frustratedly. "I was stupid! And selfish... I thought if I told him, then he would like me again and I just didn't want to have that drama in my life! I was selfish Fran! I ruined his life..." I try to hold in my tear.

"Violetta you know what you need to do"

"Yeah... I have to make it up now I guess... I've changed so I guess I just have to promise my self not to leave him like that again... It just makes me feel guilty... I promise to never do it again..."

"Okay what will you do now..." Says Fran smiling.

"Call him maybe? I mean what if we invite him to our show?"

"Try" says Fran grinning.

"Okay... I will be right back then!"


I walk towards the corner to be alone.

I look at my phone and turn it on.

I dial his number and gulp.

"Am I really doing this? Ugh i made a promise... I want to help him! I care about him, I really do... But..."

"Hey Vilu"

I turn around and see Diego.

"Oh erm hey Diego"

"What are you doing?"

I put my head in my hands. "I don't know"

"Are you okay?"

He walks me towards the seating area so I can sit down.

"No....I don't really know..." I say with tears streaming down my face.

"I think it's just stress... Don't worry Violetta, you don't have to be nervous for the performance, you're amazing!"

"No Diego it's not that." I say smiling at him.

"Violetta I want to make you better. Tell me your problems and I'll listen" he says holding my hand.


"You what?" He whispers.

"Why are you being so nice?" I ask gazing into his beautiful eyes.

"Because I care about you... Why wouldn't I?"

I close my eyes and lean in until my lips touch his.

Diego pulls away and stares at me.

"Violetta... Why did you do that?" He asks.

"I'm sorry... I..."

"I'm not the one you should be saying sorry to" says Diego looking behind me worriedly.

I turn around and see Tomas standing there.

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