Chapter 19- Barcelona Part 1

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Violetta's POV:


Me, Fran and Cami shriek as we see all the beautiful architecture outside of our hotel entrance.

"Selfie!" Says Cami raising her phone into the air. I smile wide and Fran throws a peace sign.

"Girls, don't run off! We need to have some sort of buddying system!" Yells Maroti.

Everyone gathers in a big circle.

"Okay so for the first two hours you can go explore by yourselves but you need to come back here to the hotel!"

Everyone nods and understands.

"For the buddy system let's do...

Francesca and Camilla

Broduey and Marco

Tomas and Diego

Andres and Maxi

Naty and Lara

Federico and Leon

And then Violetta and Ludmilla-"

"NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Shouts Ludmilla.

I groan at the thought of spending days exploring Barcelona with the drama queen.

"I will not be with Violetta! Can't I just partner up with Naty? Or anyone else??"

I thought about it... At least I don't have to be with Ludmilla if she partners up with Naty... But then I'd have to go with Lara...

"What about me and Federico? Like boy/girl and then Leon and Ludmilla?" I suggest.

"Okay I guess that's fine" Marotti agrees.

"Hey!" Shouts Leon.

"Oh well! That will do! At least you're strong enough to carry my stuff!" Ludmilla says to Leon throwing her big, heavy leather bag at him.

"Ugh Ludmilla what do you put in this thing?!!" He says struggling to lift it.

"None of your business!"


After 2 hours of hanging out in Barcelona and taking pictures we head back to the hotel.

"Isn't this place so beautiful!?" I ask Fede.

"Yeah! I have got to agree with you" He replies.

"Well Fede I will see you later. I have got to get ready for the show rehearsals"

"Same here. See ya!"


I enter my room and can't believe what I see.

"Excuse me." I say fake coughing.

There's Lara and Leon. Inside my room. Did I mention they're hugging?

"You have got to be kidding me!" Says Lara rolling her eyes. "You're my roomate?!"

"I'm afraid so..." I say laying down my bag.

I cross my arms and look at Leon.

"Leon, what are you doing here... You know boys aren't allowed to come to the girls rooms..."

"Yeah...erm... I'm gonna leave now" he says heading towards the door.

"No baby! You don't have to leave, stay with me!" Cries Lara holding onto his arm.

I roll my eyes. Baby? Did she really just call him that??

"I really should go but I'll see you at rehearsals, kay?" Leon kisses Lara on the cheek and leaves.

I let out a sigh and sit on my bed.

"Thanks a lot Violetta" Lara says with attitude. "You ruined everything like you always do"

"What did I do?! You should be thankful, that you didn't get in trouble!" I say crossing my arms.

"You just can't stand Leon being with me! That's why you interrupted us! I'm just glad it makes you feel this way... So I can finally rub it back in your face!"

"Lara. You have it all wrong... I don't have feelings for Leon anymore and I was just coming into my room... Now, Excuse me while I go wash my face, I have a rehearsal to get to"

I walk inside the bathroom and turn on the sink.


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Lara's POV:

I can't trust Violetta no matter what. I know she is going to go try to flirt with Leon during the rehearsals... I know it is going to happen. But luckily, I come up with a plan that makes sure it doesn't happen.

I take two of the chairs from the small table in our room and put it up against the bathroom door. Let's see how Violetta tries to get out of that!

Suddenly, the door flies open and Francesca walks in.

"Hey Lara, is Vilu here? We need to start heading to rehearsals now."

"Oh, um no... she already left! Can I come with you?"

"I guess... Let's go we don't want to be late..."

"Okay" I say smirking on the inside.


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Violetta's POV:

I turn the sink off and dry my face with a towel. How long has it been? It's already probably 2 minutes!! Oh no, I need to get to rehearsals quick.

I press my hand aggressively on the doorknob and turn it. It's stuck... Which means... I'm locked. Sh*t.

I bang and bang on the door!

"Anyone!! Help me please!!" I cry out loud.

It's no use... I'm gonna be stuck here for a while...


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Francesca's POV:

"Wait a minute, I'm gonna be right back" I say to Lara as she heads for the rehearsals.

"Okay but I'm not waiting for you" she says running off.

I go back into my room to get my stuff then I hear someone shouting.


It sounds like it's coming from... Vilu's room!

I run back to Vilu's room which is three doors away from mine.


"Fran! I'm in the bathroom!"

I look for the bathroom and see a door being blocked by two chairs.

I push the chairs away and open the door.

"FRAN! THANK YOU!" Says Violetta hugging me.

"You're welcome! What happened?"

"I bet it was Lara who locked me in!!!" says Vilu sounding furious.

"Ugh! We will confront her later! We need to get to rehearsals now... And quick!"


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