Chapter 20- Barcelona Part 2

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Violetta's POV:

"Violetta! Francesca! Where have you been?"

We run up to everyone in rehearsals, they were all crowded around Marotti and now staring at us.

"We are really sorry Marotti! We were just..." I take a big breathe and glance at Lara smirking with Leon's arms wrapped around her. "...caught up with something..."

"Fine but tomorrow, be on time! Running late is very unprofessional!"

Francesca and I nod....I swear I thought I just heard Lara snicker at me.


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Leon's POV:

We take a break from rehearsing and get water.

I take a sip of water then go over to Lara.

"I wonder why Violetta was late..."

"Francesca was late too..." Lara says giving me the stink eye.

"Oh right! I'm sorry."

"Please stop mentioning Violetta in front of me... She's your ex!"

"Okay, Okay... I was just wondering..."

"Well stop! You're dating me now, so don't think about her!"

I think I made Lara really mad. I should let her cool off a bit. I have never seen this jealous side of her... It's almost as if she could just lock up Violetta herself to keep her away from me

... I wonder.


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Ludmilla's POV:

Someone sneaks up from behind me and hugs me.

"Ahh!" I yell.

"It's just me" Federico says smiling.

"Hey!" I say beaming.

"So you want to go hang out after this?"

"What about the buddy system?" I ask

"Oh, we can just forget that for one evening" he says grinning.

"Okay! I'm in!" I say smirking.

I notice Tomas in the background struggling to get a step in a dance number.

I slightly laugh at him because he looks so cute!

"What's so funny my supernova?" Fede asks me smiling.

"Oh um, nothing!" I say nervously gazing into his eyes.

"You have the most beautiful eyes..." He says smiling nervously.

"Aw, Fede you make me blush!" I say laughing nervously. I glance at Tomas still struggling.

"Well I better go now, meet me outside the hotel after rehearsal, okay?"

"Okay Fede..."

"Talk to you soon, my supernova" he kisses me on the cheek then leaves.


"Okay that is it for today! Good job on rehearsals everybody! Same thing tomorrow!" Says Marotti.

Well great... The performance is on Saturday. We have three days to get this dance routine and no one is dancing as good as me! Oh well, at least I will be the star!!

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