Chapter 33- Complete Family

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Violetta's POV:

After hearing the news, I jumped! I totally freaked out on Angie and she was surprised!


"Y-yes... Are... You ok with the news?"


I stop screaming and hug my dad.

"We are so glad you are happy vilu!" my dad says squeezing me.

"Thanks Vilu for telling me about going to the doctor by the way... After you left, I went to go get my 'sickness' checked and I found out!"

"You're welcome! Oh... I can't believe I'm going to have a brother or sister!!"

"We can go check next week. Next week is the ultrasound so I will let you know the gender!"

"Aww that's amazing!"

"Then we will become a complete family more than ever" My dad says pulling us for a group hug.


"Francesca!" I glance at Fran who just came into the studio.

"Yeah Vilu?"

"I need to tell you something, but promise you won't tell anyone! I only want to tell a few people..."

"Is it a secret?"

"Sort of..."

"What kind of secret?"

"A pregnancy secret" I say giggling.

Francesca's eyes widen and follows me into the corner.

"So... I have some really good news Fran!"

"Are you sure it's good news Vilu?"

"Yes! I promise it is!"


"But you need to swear you aren't going to tell anyone!"

"I swear"

"Okay..." I say gulping. "I'm-"


"What?!" I whisper. Everyone stares at us. "Fran keep it down! Everyone is looking!"

"I'm sorry but Vilu, if you're pregnant why are you so happy?! How are you going to attend the studio?! What is your dad gonna say?! Who's the father?!"

"WOAH THERE NO. Not me!!!"


"I was gonna say that I'm going to have a brother or sister!!!"

"OHHHHH.... So Angie is...?" fran whispers.

"Yes... She is"

"That's amazing news!"

We hug each other and laugh.

"Sorry for freaking out... I thought you were going to say you were pregnant..."

"It's ok!" I laugh.


The bell rings and we enter the classroom.

"Welcome back! All of you seniors! How was the tour?"

"Good" we reply.

"Well that's great! So we are going to start off you're 'tour breaks' with an assignment!"

Everyone groans.

"Ugh, Pablo and his assignments..." whispers Camilla.

"I know..." I say exhausted.

"I'd rather be on tour"

"Oh and before we get started" begins Pablo. "I would just like to announce the 10th year anniversary of Studio 21!"

"Wow, that's so cool!" We all say.

"Yeah, and what better way to celebrate with... Another assignment!"

"Noooo" everyone yells at Pablo.

"Ok well we will find something"


"Did you hear that?" Cami asks me.

"Um... Yeah..."

"10th year anniversary! That's a big deal... So we need a big way to celebrate..."

"You just want to throw a party" says Fran smirking behind me.

"Maybe... But you will want to help me throw this party when you hear my wonderful ideas!"

"I'm not sure Pablo will let you throw a party here"

"Yeah and besides what kind of party were you thinking of throwing?"

Cami smirks and smiles at us.

"A senior prom."

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