Chapter 25- Performance

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Violetta's POV:

Fran and I run backstage.

"You two! Again? Why did you have to be late?! This is the show!!! You can't be late to the show!!" says Marotti

"But we are not..." I say nervously.

"You almost were!! Anyways, whatever just hurry and go get ready!"

We get in our dresses and wait backstage for the seats to fill.


"I hope we do well" Francesca says nervously.

"Don't be nervous Fran... We can do this together" i say hugging her.

Leon and Lara come up to us.

"Hey, good luck!" Says Leon to us.

"Thanks you too!" Fran says.

"By the way, why were you two late?" Leon asks curiously.

He glances at me.

"Erm... My alarm clock didn't work I guess..."

"Aww that's unfortunate!" Says Lara with a pout.

"Yeah it is... Well at least you made it!" Says Leon grinning.

"Mhm!" I say smiling. I glance at Lara and she rolls her eyes.

Wait, did Lara....?

"Lara can I speak to you?" I ask.

"Sure?" She says fake smiling.


I pull her away to the corner of the room and cross my arms.

"Lara... I know it was you. You turned off my alarm! Why would you do that?! I could have been late!!"

"Oh Vilu... Don't be accusing me for all your problems!"

"Lara, seriously just leave me alone! I don't want to get involved with your business! Please just stop messing with me! I mean it!"

"Violetta, I mean it when I say that you need to seriously leave Leon alone!"

"Lara! I don't like Leon! We are only friends! Stop acting so clingy! Don't blame me for your jealousy!"

We are interrupted by Leon.

"Violetta! Lara! We're on! Let's get on stage!"

"Okay baby!" Says Lara smiling at Leon.

"Let's go" I say running to the stage.


We get to our places on stage. Then the lights flash on and the music begins to play. The theme is at an airport and we sing about the tour.

Gira el mundo gira, quien lo puede parar,

un avión cada día y viajar y viajar.

Giran las estrellas ya lo puedo sentir, rayos y centellas todos quieren venir, oh, oh, oh, es la adrenalina del show oh, oh, oh.

Gira el mundo gira, esta es otra ciudad, ya ves que los sueños se hacen realidad,

todo es diferente te quiero conocer, vivir el presente, querer es poder, oh, oh, oh, es la adrenalina del show oh, oh, oh.

Gira mi canción, en tu dirección, somos el reflejo en el espejo de tu corazón, gira mi canción, en tu dirección, somos el reflejo en el espejo de tu amoor oh, ooh, oh, oh, oh.

At the end we pose and everyone claps.


"That was amazing!" Says Fran excitedly as we all gather backstage.

"I know right!" I say excitedly.

"By the way I love your dress!"

"Why thank you" I say twirling around in my gold, sparkly outfit.

"It's beautiful, Vilu!" Camilla says behind me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Leon watching me.

"It really is" someone says behind me.

"Oh hey Tomas!" I say nervously.

"Hey Violetta, you did good in the performance" he says smiling.

"Aww thank-"

"Yeah I agree. You were great" someone says next to me.

I suddenly notice Leon standing next to us.

"Erm... Thank you Leon"

"You were amazing Violetta!" Tomas says glancing at Leon.

Leon and Tomas look at each other a little annoyed.

"I really appreciate both of your compliments... Thank you"

"Your welcome!" Tomas and Leon say in unison.

"Hey Violetta let's go do that thing we were gonna do" says Fran pulling me away.

"Oh ya! Totally! Bye guys!" I say waving and walking off.


"Francesca! Thank you so much for pulling me away!"

"You're welcome! That was such an awkward situation!"

"I know... It was really surprising.. I can't believe they are still sort of fighting... Plus, Leon already has a girlfriend!"

"Yeah but he obviously still has feelings for you!"

I sigh and then notice Lara hugging Leon.

"Oh looks like you do too!" Fran says glancing back at them as well then at me.

"What?! Me having feelings for Leon?? No way!"

"Then why are you staring?"

I quickly look back at Fran who is raising her eyebrow.

"Because... I'm concerned..."


"I had a dream that Lara made Leon quit the studio... I know it sounds weird but... What if it could actually happen? I mean if Leon really likes Lara... She could influence him to quit the studio!?"

"Leon not going to do that"

"And how do you know?"

"Because he likes you!"



"Oh we should get ready" I say nervously.


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