Chapter 3- Reunited

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Violetta's POV:

"My heart says..."


"Wait what? It says 'Beep'?"

I slowly open my eyes and turn over to face my alarm clock.

I slam it with my palm and sigh.

"Ughhh school" I say under my breath.

I get up and brush my teeth.

I put on some clothes and go downstairs.

"Morning Vilu" my dad says rushing.

"Good morning dad"

"Sorry Vilu, I have a meeting. Hope you do well on your first day! Good luck"

He kisses me on the forehead and then rushes into his office.

"Violetta" Angie says. "Ready for school?"

"Not really" I lie.

Angie tosses me something. A car key.

"You drive this time" she says winking.

"Sweet! Thank you!" I say.

We run out the door and I start the car.

"Now remember everything I taught you during summer... And pay attention to the road" she says sitting by me.

I drive to school safely and park my car in the senior spots.

"Can't believe I am a senior!" I say beaming.

"You must feel mature, huh?" She says smiling.

"Yeah... It's unbelievable" I say getting out of the car.


Now my heart is pumping really fast. I wonder who I am going to see first. I wonder what I'm going to say to them.

I walk inside the studio and someone taps my shoulder.


I turn around and my smile slowly starts to fade. It wasn't who I had expected.

"Hey Diego" I say nervously.

"It's nice to see you again" he says smiling at me.

"You two" I say awkwardly.

"Well... I better go" he says smiling. "See you around"

"Uh huh" I say staring at the ground.

Wow. Diego. I didn't expect him at all. In fact, I totally forgot about him. I hope he has already found someone and moved on from me...

I go outside to catch some breath. I am not ready to see anyone. I am so nervous. I play with my hands and then someone puts their hands over my eyes.

"Who is this?" I ask.

They take their hands of my eyes and I turn around.

He holds a bracelet in front of my face.

"It's you! Wow! You're actually here!" I say hugging Tomas and taking the bracelet.

"I know I've missed you so much!"

"Thanks for returning my bracelet" i say putting it on.

"Welcome" he says staring into my eyes.

"Tomas, I-I need to tell you something" I say thinking of Leon.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Well Leon and I-"

"VILU!" Shouts someone behind me.

I turn around and smile.

"FRAN!" I yell.

We go up to each other and hug.

"I can't believe we are seniors now!" She says excitedly.

"I know! I am so happy to see you!" I say.

The bell rings and we all go inside.

"Hey Tomas, haven't seen you in a while buddy" says Fran smiling at him.

"Missed you Too Fran" Tomas says grinning.

We meet up with Camilla, Broduey, Marco, Diego, Andres, Ludmilla, Naty and Federico.

"Everyone is reunited" they all chant.

"Almost everyone" I say in my head.


I can't pay attention in class. Class after class, I can't stop thinking about Leon. Where is he? Is he sick? I hope I see him tomorrow.

At the end of the day, Leon doesn't come to any of the classes. Did he ditch? Curiosity leads me to Pablo's classroom as the bell rings.

"Um Pablo?"

"Hey Vilu, It's nice to see you"

"You two Pablo... I was just wondering"

"Yes? What is it?"

"Erm... Leon... Why wasn't he come today?"

Pablo looks down upset.

"Is he sick?"

"No he's not sick"

"Oh well is he coming to the studio tommorow?" I ask panicked.

"Leon didn't tell you?" He asks frowning.

"Tell me what?" I ask.

"Leon no longer attends the studio. I'm so sorry Vilu"

I stare at Pablo confused. Leon's not coming? Why is that?

"Oh... erm... Did he say why?" I ask with a hurt expression.

"No, but I'm guessing it was a decision his father made... He withdrew Leon's student loans and Leon didn't have money to come back to the studio" says Pablo.

"Oh..." I say walking away. "Thanks"


I text Leon later that night.

He doesn't respond so I called him.

Someone picks up the phone.


"Leon? Is that you?!"

"No, I'm sorry this is his father"

"Oh.. Do you know where Leon might be?"

"He is probably hanging out at the Motorcross"

"Thank you...erm... Bye"

He ends the call and I sigh.

I am going to try to find him at the Motorcross.

"In Your Arms": A Leonetta FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now