Chapter 48- Prom Night

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Quick daily book recommendation:

☺️I like @ViolettaandLeon's book:

Loneliness [A leonetta Fanfiction]


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Violetta's POV:

•тнe laтe aғтernoon вeғore proм nιgнт ιn vιlυ'ѕ rooм•

There is a knock on the door and I run over to it smiling.

I turn the knob and scream.

"Hey fran! Hey Cami!"

"Hey Vilu!"

"Are you excited for the prom!?" I ask.


They bring in their dresses and we quickly go and change into them.

"I got this beautiful, short orange dress" says Cami.

"Mine's long and blue, it makes me feel like a princess!" Fran says picking up parts of her dress.

Me and Cami laugh and then Fran smirks at me.

"So Vilu, what are you going to wear?"

"Um... This?"

I get out two dresses that I have been looking for in my closet.

"Which one?" Asks Fran.

"I don't know! Which one looks better?"

Francesca and Camilla look at each other and sigh.

"Vilu... Do you have anything else?"

"You don't like any of these?" I ask a little hurt.

"Don't take this in a mean way... But... They're hideous" cami says.

Fran slaps her on the arm.

"Okay... Sure they are a bit old fashioned but... I just didn't have time to shop for a new one... So it's gonna have to be one of these!"

Fran puts her hand under her chin and thinks.

"What about that hidden closet you said you had in the attic?"

"Um... So?"

"Can't you find a pretty dress in there?"

"I guess, I will look" I say. We walk out of the room and into the attic.

A bunch of my mom's clothes were in here. What if they don't even fit me?

I look through all her old clothes and smiled.

"These dresses are all beautiful! How am I supposed to pick?"

Cami clumsly trips over a box, spilling some new clothes out.


"It's okay Cami, wait... What is this?"

I pull out an amazing gold dress... It looks so fancy and expensive yet so cute and charming...

"Woah" Fran and Cami say with their eyes wide open.

"I've never seen this dress before" I say eyeing at all the sparkling gold details.

"It's amazing! You must at least try it on Vilu" cami says smiling.

I nod and go into the bathroom to try it on. When I come out, Fran and Cami's jaws drop.

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