Chapter 9- Dinner

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Violetta's POV:

I'm walking through the park with my headphones on listening to music when I bump into someone.

"Violetta!" Leon says holding me. "I didn't see you, sorry"

I almost respond but I keep quiet. I remember the deal. I can't talk to Leon so I just wave and begin to walk away.

"Wait Violetta" he says pulling me back.

He stares into my eyes and begins to speak.

"Listen... I know you're mad at me... But I just wanted to say that... You're right... I know you care about me and I'm sorry I criticized you... You're just trying to help and I appreciate that!"

I look at the ground as he talks...

"Listen, don't worry about my dad... He likes you... It's just that... He's caught up with my future more... He's very ambitious..." He says looking at me.

"Also, I know we are broken up but... You helped me and all... So we can still be friends right?"

I slightly smile and look up at him.


I don't reply.

"Vilu? Are you still mad at me?"

I sigh and look down again nervously.

"Violetta... Answer me"

I look into his eyes desperately.

"Why not? You can't still be mad at me... I should be the one mad at you... But I can't... Now, you're not talking to me... Is there something wrong?"

I keep staring into his eyes and he sighs.

"Fine, be that way" he storms off annoyed.


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Leon's POV:

I can't believe she's still mad at me. She's giving me the silent treatment.

I lay down on my bed in my room and hear a knock on the door.


"Hey dad" I say sitting up.

"We are having guests over for dinner" he says smiling.

"Oh really who?"

"That girl Lara's family... You know Lara, right?"

Lara?! Why is my dad inviting her? He's never invited them before?

"Um yeah... I guess"

"Okay. I want you to get to know Lara! She seems sweet."

"Okay..." I respond. He leaves the room smiling.

What is my dad planning... Why is he trying to set me up with Lara? She's nice and all... But she's my ex...


We eat dinner and Lara sits across from me.

After dinner, me and Lara go up to my room.

"So... How are you?" She says awkwardly.

"Erm.. Good"

We sit awkwardly.

"Did your dad find out about you sneaking out?"

"Yeah... He was sorta mad..."


"But then he stopped being mad all of a sudden after inviting you here"

"Oh that's wierd..."

"Ya... Anyways... Did you... Tell him I left?"

"No, I didn't"


"Yeah, I figured that... It's your life, and you should decide what you wanna do, what makes you happy... I won't get in the way..."

"Thanks... That means a lot" I say looking into her eyes.

"You're welcome" she says smiling.

I can't help but begin to feel something towards Lara. Something tells me to get back together with her... but then I think of Violetta and how I can't stop thinking about her when I'm with Lara. My mind tells me to forget Vilu and be with Lara as that's what would make my dad happy and possibly me at the same time... But my heart tells me to wait for Violetta.

"Let's go downstairs" I say walking away from her.

"Um...0kay" she says following me out of my room.


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