Chapter 38- Convincing

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Violetta's POV:

After school, I went to the motorcross.

I figured Leon was there. I was right.

I walked up to him as he leaned against the fence and watched the current race being held.

I silently stood by him and gathered the courage to get closer to him. I sighed quietly and cleared my throat.


"Leon..." I said playing with my hands nervously.

"Why are you here?" He asks sighing.

"You... quit the studio"

"Yeah I know..."

"Leon, you didn't have to-"

"Violetta it's my decision, okay?" He shakes his head and continues watching the race.

I sigh and stand straight looking at Leon.

"Violetta just leave..."

"No Leon" I say taking his arms.

He lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes as he tries not to make eye-contact with me.

"Listen to me. Look at me." I say sternly. "Your passion is singing, and you know that deep inside you, Leon. You can't let anyone take that away from you not even Lara."

"Violetta, Lara has nothing to do with my decision. I don't want to go the studio and that's it. I don't know why you like to blame everything on Lara... But your bad habit needs to stop. I'm in love with Lara. Not you. We aren't going to get back together so if this is some sort of plan to take me back-"

"I'm not trying to get back together with you!" I say looking at him weirdly.

"Okay then please just leave us alone and let me be happy."

I shake my head in disbelief and let go of his arms.

"You're making a big mistake Leon..."

I turn around and walk away.


I walk towards the exit of the Motor cross and see Lara talking on the phone. I hide behind a tree and lean my ear towards her to eavesdrop.

"I just wanted to say good job Milton! You should be an actor!"

Omg, she's talking to Milton! Why is she acting so friendly?? She was crushed before??

"We surely fooled everyone! Just imagine how amazed our boss is going to be! I'm just so glad that Leon is finally out of that stupid studio!"

I can't believe what I'm hearing.


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