Chapter 2- Heart

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Violetta's POV:

I walk into the studio. I came pretty early in the morning so there wasn't a lot of people there.

I walk around until I saw the back of Leon's head.

Is that really him?

I get excited and my feelings get over me...

I run up and wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly!

"Leon! I've missed you so-"

"Violetta, it's me Tomas" he says turning around.

I freeze up looking into his eyes.

"T-tomas?" I say stuttering.

"I've missed you so much" he says.

I still have my arms around his neck and slowly try to release but he comes closer.

"Violetta I need to tell you something" says Tomas.

"Tomas I-" I try to let go of him but I'm stuck in this awkward position.

"Violetta" says a familiar voice behind me.

"Oh no" I say to myself in my head.

I turn around as Tomas is still holding me and look into his hurt eyes.

"Leon!" I say quickly getting away from Tomas, who now stands glaring at Leon.

"What is going on?!" He shouts.

"Leon, it's not what you think!" I try to explain.

"Violetta likes me" says Tomas facing Leon.

"Well she is dating me" smirks Leon as he moves closer to me.

Tomas and Leon go up to each other and clench their fists.

"She won't be dating you any longer, right Violetta?" Tomas says looking at me.

I am about to respond but I watch as Leon raises his fist in the air and then...


"No Leon!" I yell. I am no longer in the studio. I sat up on my bed. The whole thing was just a nightmare.

I breathe heavily and go lay back down on my pillow.

"I wish I didn't have to go to school today" I thought staring at the clock.

It's 6:00. Only an hour and a half until school starts.

"Vilu?" Says Angie coming in my room.

"Sorry Angie... I had a nightmare"

"Talk to me about it" she says sitting on the edge of my bed.

I explain everything in the dream and she sighs.

"Do you still like Tomas?" She asks.

"I don't know... But I know I am in love with Leon... It's just a little bit of feelings left for Tomas" I explain.

"Well okay... In the end" Angie says. "Your heart will lead you to who you belong to. Remember to Listen to your heart. If you want to be with Leon, you need to have trust in your relationship and faith. If you like Tomas, you need to know that you are over Leon and know how to explain it to him."

"What should I do Angie?" I asked worried.

"I am not your heart, Violetta" she says laughing.

"Okay got it! I need to listen to my heart..."

She smiles, kisses me on the forehead and then leaves the room.

I sigh and close my eyes.

"My heart says..."


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