Chapter 24- Bossy!

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Violetta's POV:

Me and Naty make our way back to the hotel.

Fran and Camilla see us and come over to us.

"Vilu! Um... I thought your buddy was Federico?"

"He was" I say sighing. "Then, I switched partners with Ludmilla and hung out with Leon, then Lara came in and we switched again... And now it's just me and Naty."

"Yep. It was weird" says Naty behind me.

"Okay... Anyways let's go get ready to sleep! Tomorrow we need to be on time for the performance!" Says Cami.

"Can't wait!" Says Fran.

"Let's go to our rooms"


"Hey Violetta"

I open my eyes and see Leon in front of me.

It's the next day, early in the morning. I'm still in my pajamas as Leon is all dressed up in front of me.

"Leon what are you doing in my room?"

"I came to say hi and wake you up" he says bending over to me.

"What is he doing?" I say in my head as he leans close to my face.

He plants a kiss on my cheek and I blush.

"Get ready! We have to go to the performance now"

"Um ok..."

I get up and wash my face in the mirror.

"What is wrong with Leon? Why is he acting so nice?!" I think to myself.

I come out of the room and get changed.

"Let's go now" he says taking my hand.


I push him away and he looks shocked.


"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?!"

"Being so... Nice to me and... Being so...."

"Being so what?"

Someone interrupts us from behind.


The voice belongs to Lara. She runs into the room and glares at me.

"Yes Lara?" He asks.

"Stop going near her!" Lara says crossing her arms.


"You heard me! I'm your girlfriend! So you listen to what I say"

I'm surprised at what Lara just said. She practically commanded Leon to not get near me... Why does she have to be so bossy? I wonder why Leon likes her...

"Ok" he says nodding. He takes a huge step away from me.

"Wait? What!" I say confused. "Leon... You listened to her??"

Lara glances at me and smirks. "Leon I want you to never look at Violetta again."

"Sure." He looks down at the ground and whistles like there's nothing going on.

"This is ridiculous!" I say shaking my head.

"Oh and one more thing love!"

"Yes?" He says gazing into her eyes like a lovestruck puppy.

"I want you to quit the studio. Then we can be together!"

I glance at Leon who looks confused. There is no way she can just make him do anything she wants him to do!

"Of course! Anything For you, my love!"

She smirks at me and then kisses him on the lips.



"Fran?" I say opening my eyes as Fran shakes me awake.


"WHAT?! HOW!!!"

I look at my clock.

"How is that possible?! I set the alarm and everything!!" I say confused.

"You probably slept through it! You look like you were dreaming about something... Now hurry up get ready!" fran exclaims.

I raced out of bed and got ready.


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