Chapter 26- Airport

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Violetta's POV:

•dayѕ laтer•

Today we have to leave Barcelona. Our show in Barcelona is over so we are heading to...

"We should go to the eiffel tower!" Camilla says excitedly.

"Yes! That's what we are going to do!" Fran exclaims.

"I'm so excited to perform in Paris! It's an amazing opportunity!"

"I agree!"

We drag our suitcases onto the airport and sit down on the seats to wait for our flight.

I call my dad on the phone to video chat.

"Violetta! How was Barcelona!?"

"Amazing papa! Now we are heading to Paris!"

"Oh Vilu! I miss you like crazy! Angie does too!"

"Aww how is she by the way?"

"She's better... I have some news for you when you get home in a few weeks!"

"Okay! Wait... Is it good or bad?"

"Don't worry it's good news" he says smiling.

"Oh okay! Well can't wait to hear it!"

"Well I have to go but make sure to video chat me in Paris okay sweetheart?"

"Of course! See you papa! I love you!"

"Love you too Vilu! Goodbye!"

We end the video chat and I pull out a picture of me and my dad.

"Miss him?"

I turn around to see Diego sitting on the edge of my chair.

"Oh hey Diego... Yeah... I miss my dad"

"Same here." He says smiling.

"So how are you?" I ask.

"I'm good" He says. "Thanks for asking!"

"No problem"

"So you excited for Paris?"

"Are you kidding me?! I am freaking out! I have always wanted to go to Paris!!"

"Me too... It's an amazing city!"

"Yes it really is"

"Violetta" I turn around and Francesca glares at me.



We get called to the plane and me and Fran walk side by side.

"So same seats?"

"Yep!" She says smiling.


"Hey Violetta"

I turn around and greet Tomas.

"Hey Tomas, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to sit together on the plane?"

"Um... I'm sitting next to Francesca..."

"Oh of course" he says smiling.

"Maybe next time" I say grinning.

"Sure" he says making his way on the plane.


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