Chapter 34- Detention?

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Violetta's POV:

"Camilla, you are crazy! Pablo would never let us have a prom!" Says Fran shaking her head.

"If he doesn't say yes, then we can have a petition for prom! Everyone would sign it!"

"And how are you so sure?"

"Because prom's are the best! It's going to be so much fun trust me! And hey vilu, you can always bring tomas as your date" Camilla says nudging me.

"I don't know...."

"Oh c'mon! It could be your first and last prom!"

"Well... I guess we could try..." Says Fran.

"Yeah and Vilu, if i were you I would stay with Tomas so that you could ask him to the prom!"

I blush. "What if he says no?"

she glances behind me and smirks. "You'll have to figure it out on your own.

I turn around and smile at Tomas.

"Hey Violetta"

"Oh hi Tomas"

"So I was wondering... Would you want to go out to maybe go see a movie after school today?"

"Like a date?"

"Well yeah"


"And listen, by the way, i'm sorry for leaving you at the parade and about the whole getting lost..."

"Tomas, you have apoligized so many times, trust me, I have already forgiven you"

"Ok i just wanted to make sure" he says grinning.

"Well, I'd love to go see that movie with you" I say staring into his eyes.

"Ok great... See you after school"


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Leon's POV:

•нoυrѕ laтer•

I wait for my girlfriend to get out of class so that I can hug her. Things have been going really well between Lara and I... It feels like I have completely gotten over Violetta!

I stand outside the classroom with my back leaning against the wall.

I see a lot of my friends come out of the classroom but no Lara.

"Strange" I think to myself.

The last person comes out of the classroom and I call her over.

"Hey Violetta"

She turns around and sees me. She walks over to me a bit confused.

"What is it Leon?" She asks holding her books.

"Erm..." I shove my hands in my pockets awkwardly. "Do you know where Lara is?"

She nods sadly.

"Oh where?"

"Well.... She got in... Detention"

"What?! For what?"

"I have no clue... She was talking to the teacher about something then he gave her a slip and she left the classroom..."

"Um... Okay... Thanks" I walk past her into detention.



I walk over to her and she's sitting down.

"Oh hey"

"Why are you in detention?"

"Had a fight with Milton, the new teacher.... He's kinda mean... and strict..."

"Oh... And he put you in detention?"

"Yeah... I think he hates me for some reason..."

"That's weird... I don't think he hates you..."

"He yells and picks on me all the time" Lara says sadly.

"You don't deserve to be in here Lara" I hug her tightly. "I'm surprised you're in !detention... It's not like you're capable of doing anything bad"

"I know right" she says smiling.


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Violetta's POV:

Me and Tomas walked out of the movie theater hand in hand.

"Thanks for taking me to that wonderful movie" I say grinning.

"No problem" he says. "I had a great time"

"Same here"

He smiles then leans in and places his lips on mine.

My feelings are tingling and I feel like there's fireworks all around me. Like electricity running through my vains but then it stops.

I slowly open my eyes and back away in shock.

It's not Tomas. I see Leon. Why?? Why does this happen to me!?

"Violetta is there something wrong?" Tomas asks in front of me.

"No" I say. I smile at him and he smiles back. When I see his smile, I try to make everything go away and suddenly I don't see Leon anymore.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive" I step closer and wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a big kiss!



You're probably like "omg i hate her why does she put so much tomletta in her Leonetta fanfiction"

Don't hate me I had to!

Btw this is still a leonetta fanfiction I just like to add more drama✌️

🎀please vote and comment

❤️and please go read me and Bryan's jortini book if you haven't: "I heart you"

I will start doing book recommendations after this chapter💕

That is all☀️



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