Chapter 5- A Date?

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Violetta's POV:

I walked into the studio and saw Tomas.

"Hey Violetta" he says.

"Tomas I really don't want to talk right now" I say nervously rubbing my hands.

"Wait what did you want to tell me at school yesterday?" He asks.

"Um... It's nothing..." I say looking down. I'm not gonna tell him about Leon right now. I'm too upset to talk about him...

"Okay if you're sure..." He says sighing. "Anyways... What are you doing on Friday night?" asks Tomas.

"I don't really feel like hanging out... I'm really sorry Tomas"

"It's okay..." he looks hurt. "But if something is really wrong... You can just tell me, okay Vilu?"

"Okay..." I say.

Tomas is being really nice... I shouldn't let my fuss with Leon ruin our friendship...

"Wait up Thomas... I... wanna hang out"

He smiles at me and lets out a sigh.

"Okay. Cool... We should go see a movie or something"

"Yeah... Totally!" I say nervously yet excitedly.

"Okay pick you up after school!" He smiles and then walks away to class.

I feel a lot of guilt. Me and Leon aren't broken up... I don't think going to the movies with Tomas is a good idea. I wish me and Leon could make up right now...


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Leon's POV:

"Hey dad."

"Hello Leon!" my dad says. He was looking through some magazines for motor crossing sports.

"Can I... Talk to you? " I say nervously.

"Sure... Don't forget you have a race this Friday! So I want you prepared"

"Yeah... Speaking of that-"

"what is it son?" He gets a little bit worried.

"Dad... I think... I want to sing "

"You think but you don't know" My dad says flipping pages.

"No dad I-I know..."

"Leon, we already talked about this..."

"Please dad... I want to go back to the studio"

He puts the magazine down and sighs.

"I really miss my friends and... Singing is my passion..."

"Listen... I know what this is about..."

"You do?" I ask.

"Yeah... It's that Violetta girl isn't it?"

"What?!" I ask confused.

"She probably asked you to talk to me... So that you guys could stay a couple. You two have been hanging out for quite a while and I know how girlfriends can be-"

"Wait what are you saying?"

"Look Leon, I know she's your girlfriend and all... But not all relationships last as long as you think-"

"Dad! What are you talking about?! She hasn't done or said anything! It's me. I want to go back to the studio."

"Leon, you make a good singer but... You're an even better Motor cross rider!"


"Leon, I suggest you get ready for that race... Whether you like it or not" He says glaring at me.

I sigh and go up to my room.


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Violetta's POV:

I came up with an idea!

I asked Francesca and Marco to come watch the movie with Tomas and I so that it wouldn't seem like the two of us were on a date!

I really hope Leon doesn't find out about Tomas... At least, without me telling him first.

I'm sitting on my bed and drawing in my diary, when my phone rings.

I stare at the caller ID.

"IT'S LEON! HE'S CALLING ME!!!" I say to myself.

I realize I'm more excited than I thought I would be. I don't want to fight with him.

"Oh no.. What am I gonna say?" I nervously sit up and put the phone near my ear.

"Hello? Violetta?" He says.

"Leon! Erm... Why are you calling me?"

Ugh. "Why are you calling me?" That sounds so mean Violetta...

"Oh because I just wanted to say... You were right..." He says to me.

"Oh... Well, Did you talk to your dad?" I ask.

"Yeah" he said. I was slightly smiling.

"So... How did it go?"

"Not good." He says. I start to frown.

"What happened?"

"I told him how I wanted to sing... That I wanted to come back to the studio" he explains. "But he blamed it on you... And he keeps mentioning how I need to attend my races."


"I know it sucks..."

"I could talk to your dad for you!" I happily said.

"No vilu! Please... You don't have to... Anyways, he doesn't really like you... I'm guessing"

"Oh um well... Okay then"

"Sorry about my dad" he says sighing.

"It's fine Leon" I say laughing.

"So..." I say sighing. "When's the race?"

"Erm... Friday after school"

"That's great... For you..." I say looking down.

"Hey, we can hang out afterwords?" He says happily.

Oh no. I have the date with Tomas... The date?! I mean the... Outing... I can't believe I am calling it a date...

I will just tell him the truth...; Which is that I'm going to see a movie with some people! But leave out the details... That's not lying, right?

"I'm sorry... i'm seeing a movie with some friends..."

"Oh really who?"

"Erm... Fran and other people"

"Well okay" he says laughing.

"Maybe Saturday okay?"

"Okay." he says. Now, I'm smiling.

"Anyways, I've gotta go... Let's text and call each other Tomorrow Vilu" he says.

"Okay Leon... Goodnight."

"I love you. Goodnight" I can't help but blush.

"Love you too. Night" I say hanging up.


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