Chapter 30- You found me.

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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

Violetta's POV:

It's taking a while for Leon to come find me... But he said he'll be there... And he told me not to worry. I can't stop thinking about Tomas. Where will he go? Where could he be?

"Violetta!" I hear behind me.


I instantly turn around and smile.

We run to each other and hug.

I try to pull away but he hugs me tighter.

"Oh Violetta, I'm so glad I found you... I didn't want to see you lost... Then, It would e all my fault"

"Well, at least we are together now... I'm not so freaked out anymore..."

"Yeah... But how are we going to get back to the hotel?" He asks.

A car comes in to the street out of the corner of my eye, and I tell Tomas to move to the sidewalk.

"I called Leon" I say smiling.

"Oh so he can drive us?"


We got into Leon's car in silence and drove to the hotel.


"So how did you get lost?" Leon asks.

"We both got lost" Tomas corrected.

"Yeah whatever" Leon mumbles.

"Um well we were watching a big parade and we just got lost with all the people crowding us and stuff"

"Oh I see... Well, you never told me you were with Tomas" Leon says glancing at him.

"I was panicked and plus... It's not like you wouldn't have drove me if I told you Tomas was coming, Right?"

Leon hesitates.

"Yeah..." He says.

"Um ok... Well anyways let's just go into our rooms..."

"Violetta, we can still go out maybe somewhere nearby to continue our date?" Says Tomas.

"She doesn't think so..." Leon says folding his arms and standing in front of me.

"Leon, I can handle talking by myself" I say nudging him to leave us.

"Fine... But If you need me incase he loses you again, just call"

He walks away and Tomas stares at me.

"Sorry about that whole "losing you" thing"

"It's really okay... But I think I'm just going to go up to my room... I had an amazing time at the park with you though"

"Okay... Bye Violetta" Tomas says kissing my cheek.

"Bye" I wave at him and then go to my room.


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First of all, I realized that there might be a lot more chapters I need to write than I thought so this book won't end at 40 parts I can at least guarantee that... I'm not sure what part to end it at but there will be a lot more chapters so I hope you continue to read :)


Me and @tombknife23 have already posted the first two chapters of our Jortini story😍

It's called "I heart you" ♥️ Pleaseee go vote for all the chapters and comment on how we did.



&quot;In Your Arms&quot;: A Leonetta FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now