Chapter 22- Slap!

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Ludmilla's POV:

I walk outside of the ice-cream parlor and see Federico!

What is he doing here? Is he looking for me?

He comes up to me and puts his hands in his pockets and sighs.

"Um.... Hey Ludmilla" he says nervously.

"Hey Fede... W-why are you here?"

"Violetta is getting us ice-cream inside..."

"Oh, same with Leon and I"

"That's great..."


"So.... How are you?"

"Good... I'm having lots of fun hanging out with Leon!"

He sighs. "Well that's good because I am too! With Violetta!"

Jealousy fills my vains.

"That's nice-"

We hear a bunch of shouting somewhere and stop talking to look around.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Violetta and Leon come out of the shop together...

"Leon! Leave me alone!"

"Violetta, I'll leave you alone when you'll stop leaving me alone!"

"Are you kidding me Leon!!? Why would I ever want to be around you?!!"

"I don't know... Maybe you're obsessed with me!"

"As if! Who could like such a bad person like you!"

I interrupt the two. "Violetta! Leon's not that bad..."

"Stop it Ludmilla!" Violetta says to me putting her hands in front of my face to shut me up.

"Ludmilla has a point!" Leon says grinning. "Besides you're the one who's terrible!"


"Her?!" Shouts Federico. "She's the sweetest person ever! How can you say she's bad!"

I got more and more jealous of Federico sticking up for Violetta...

"I got this Fede!" She goes up to Leon and slaps him.

"What was that for?!" He presses his hand to his cheek in pain.

"You deserved it!"

"Violetta Castillo you are a peice of!-"

"Leon Vargas you make me so!-"

They ramble on insulting each other ignoring me and Fede.

"I think we should go Federico..." I say watching as they turn red with anger.

"Yeah me too" he grabs my hand and we run away.


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Violetta's POV:

"Leon! I hate you!" I say with the most angry expression I could give him.

"I hate you too Violetta!" He looks behind me and winks at me.

"Did it work?" I whisper.

"Yeah" he says grinning and laughing.

We set down our already melted ice-cream on the table and sit.

"Oops... I'm sorry about the slap... That might have been too much"

"Yeah... That actually really hurt..."

"I'm so sorry!!" I get up to get some ice from inside and come back out.

"Does it still hurt?" I ask pressing the cold ice onto his cheek.

"Yeah... It kinda feels like you dislocated my jaw.."


"Violetta, I'm kidding... I'm just kidding..." He says giving me a cheeky smile.

"Oh good...." I say wiping off a sweat.

"So..." He says as we stay in this awkward position.

"Did you really mean those things you said to me?"

"no... Not at all... Did you? About the things you said to me?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Of course not."

We smile at each other and then I look away.

"So what do we do now?" I ask looking towards the beautiful trees and sky.

"We can take a stroll through the park... Since both of our buddies left us, now we can go spend the day together" he says grinning.

"Oh" I say blushing. "Well ok, as soon as your jaw feels better" I say dabbing more ice on his jaw

He holds my hand away from his face.

"It's all better now, let's go" he says smiling.


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