Chapter 28- Free time

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Tomas' POV:

We finished practice so I went over to Violetta, Francesca and Camilla.

"Hey girls... Can I talk to Violetta alone?"

They all exchanged glances at each other and then broke the silence.

"Yes you can!" Said Francesca and Camilla at the same time.

They covered their mouth and snickered.

"Go" whispered Violetta to the giggling girls.

"Okay okay!" They said laughing.

They left and we were alone.

"So... I was wondering if you..."

"If I what?" She asked raising a brow.

"Wanted to hang out?"


"well you don't have to... You probably have plans with Francesca and Camilla already so-"

"No! It's fine! I don't have any plans with them today!we can totally hang out Tomas!"

"Oh ok cool... Will they mind if we go now?"

"No they won't mind let's go!" She says taking my arm.


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Camilla's POV:

"You see that?" I ask Fran as we watch Violetta and Tomas running out the door.

"Yes! Violetta is ditching us for Tomas!"

"I know!!! we were going to go shopping!"

"Oh well, let the lovebirds be... Let's not waste our free time!"

"Okay!" I say excitedly. "Let's go Fran!"


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Violetta's POV:

Finally!! Tomas got the courage to ask me out!! Well, if "hanging out" is technically called a date. He took me to a park right next to the eiffel tower.

"Let's have a picnic" he says smirking.

"Like in those cheesy movies" I say nudging him.

"I prefer the term romantic"

I begin to blush. A lot.

"Aw, I forgot how cute you look when you're nervous" he says touching my red cheeks.

I playfully slap his hand away and he laughs.

He lays the blanket down on the grass and we eventually lay down looking up at the tall structure.


After about 10 minutes of talking and laying down we decide to get up and do something else.

"Let's go explore the city!"

"Erm... Okay..." I say a bit nervous.

We run through the streets of Paris and laugh.

"Hey so where should we go now?"

"I have no id-"

A loud bang of music interrupts me and we turn to see a marching band with tons of people.

"Hey let's go watch that parade!"

"Okay" I say following him as he takes my hand.

We watch from a distance. Too many people have gathered to watch the parade.

"We should get closer to see better!" He says moving closer.

"No, I'm fine" I shout to him over all the instruments.

A tall man in front of me blocks my view of the band so I move over, but then there's a tall woman...

"Wow... So many tall people..." I think to myself.


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Tomas' POV:

I try to get closer and closer to the performance but there's too many people!

I guess I will never be able to watch it...

I back up out everyone's way as the marching band passes. The streets are once again empty, like before Violetta and I came here, except... she is no where to be seen.

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