Chapter 43- Miss you.

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Francesca's POV:

I don't know if I should say yes or no... If I say yes... Then Diego might not feel the same way and he wouldn't even want to be friends... If I say no... I know I will be lying to him...

"Maybe" I mumble.

"What was that?" He asks grinning.

"N-nothing" I say nervously.

"Fran... Do you?"


"You don't?" He asks a little sadly.

I can't tell if he's upset or relieved.

"No... I don't..."

"Oh" he says. "That's ok... But um why were you crying?"

"I wasn't..."

"Fran" he says in a serious tone. "You can tell me"

"I'm okay Diego... Thanks for worrying about me..."

"Okay then... You're welcome"


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Violetta's POV:

I tried falling asleep on the plane. I tried... But all I could think about was Leon.

Fran was right. I need to call him... I will regret it for the rest of my life and I'm not going to break my promise.

Francesca and I get off the plane.

"We're in Mexico" she says smiling.

"Yeah.." I say sighing.

An hour later, we make it to our nearby hotel and we wait to check in.

I stare at my phone and once again turn it on.

"I'm gonna make a quick call" I say to Fran and the rest of the guys. "I'll be right back"

Francesca nods at me and slightly smiles.


I dial Leon's number and press call.

I let out a big breath as I wait for him to answer.

Then I hear his voice again.


"L-leon... It's Violetta"

"Violetta... Um hey how are you?"

"I'm good... I came to call to tell you something" I say exhaling.

He hesitates for a while before responding.

"Yeah... Um... I think now's not a good time-"

"Leon" I say closing my eyes. "I know you don't want to talk to me but will you please just... hear me out?"

"...okay, what did you want to tell me?"

"I wanted us to catch up... I mean it's been two months..."

"Violetta, you know I'm in Mexico right?"

"Yeah... So am I"

"Oh... The tour?! You're really in Mexico?"

"Yeah all of us are Leon"

"That's wonderful..."

"So why did you move to Mexico?"

"Oh... For reasons relating to motorcrossing... More races and more opportunities to get sponsors..."

"I'm... Happy for you"

"Thanks... I think... We should keep in touch... You know, as friends... You helped me get through a lot so thanks for being there."

"You're welcome, I'm happy we're back to being friends"

"Me too..."

"Anyways... Um.... How's Lara?"

"Violetta..." He says a little annoyed.


"Do you mind if we don't talk about our relationships... It's kinda awkward"

"Oh....right" I say.

He laughs over the line and I smile.

"Are you smiling?" He asks me.

"How did you know?"

"I could feel it..."

"Oh" I said blushing.

"And I'm such an outgoing person who makes everyone smile." He says in a cocky tone.

"Wow Leon" I say laughing. "You have no idea how much I have really-"

I cut myself off and frown.

I nervously cough.

"Erm... I mean you have no idea how much we all have missed you!"

"Thanks" he says. This time I can feel him smiling over the phone.

"Anyways" I say changing the subject. "It's been great talking to you again but we are going to have to go be done checking in to the hotel..."

"Oh ok"

"But wait! One more thing; you should come to our show! You can watch from backstage and you can see us! What do you say?"

"Sounds... Great. I'd of course have to check if it interferes with any of my races but I will let you know If I can make it..."

"Okay good...Hope to see you then.. I'll text you the details... Bye Leon"

"Bye Violetta"

I ended the call.


"In Your Arms": A Leonetta FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now