Chapter 13- Unexpected!

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Violetta's POV:

Me and Leon's dad were both waiting for Leon's answer.

"Wait... Before I say it... I just wanted to say something to you dad" he says turning to his father.

His dad smiles and listens.

"I know how proud you are of me with all the Motorcross races and everything... And I really appreciate it." He says smiling.

I begin to worry. It doesn't seem like Leon wants to come back. I was wrong... He really does want to be a motorcross rider...

"You're welcome son, I knew that you were born to be something great!" His dad says smiling with pride.

"Thanks dad... But... I know that I want be something greater than a Motorcross Rider..." Leon says smiling at me.

"What?" His dad asks confused.

"I think I'd make a great singer. I'd love to be a successful artist. Singing is not just a dream, it's my life... And it's something I want to do more than anything in the world"

"So... You want to come back to the studio?" His dad asks frowning.

"Yes. It would make me really happy!" Leon says smiling widely.

We grin at each other then he faces his dad who sighs.

"Well then... If it makes my son happy..." He says looking at me. "I am happy with it"

"Really?!" Leon asks excitedly.

"Yes, really son" his dad says. "You can come back to the studio."

"Thank you thank you!" Leon says hugging his dad with joy!

His dad laughs and then smiles. "Let's go get you signed up son"

"Okay" Leon says following him.

They begin to leave. Leon turns around and walks towards me.

"Oh come here" he says hugging me.


We walk towards the office and greet Pablo.

"I'm very happy for you Leon! Welcome back to the studio!" He says hugging him.

"Thanks Pablo" he says grinning.


Leon and I head outside alone.

"Hey Violetta... Listen I just wanted to say-" he smiles at me and gazes into my eyes.

He was about to tell me something until we are interrupted by a group of people shouting!

"LEOOON! HEY LEON!!!" Francesca, Camilla, Maxi, Naty, Andres, Federico, Broduey, Ludmilla and Tomas all go up and greet him.

Tomas awkwardly stands back but smiles at me.

"You're back!" Says Francesca hugging Leon.

"Yeah! I'm coming back to the studio!" Leon says with a huge smile.

"That's amazing news buddy!" Says Andres beaming.

"We are all so happy you are back Leon!" Says Camilla.

Ludmilla shrugs.

"Me the most!" Says Andres jumping on Leon.

"Woah there Andres" says Leon laughing as Andres backs up.

"Oops! Sorry" he says nervously.

"Hey Bro! We should hang out again! All of us!" Says Broduey

"Yeah! How about we all go down to the new pizza place across the street?" suggests Maxi.

"I'm in!" Says Francesca.

"Me too!" Says Camilla.

"Me three" says Naty.

"Same here" says Federico.

Everyone agrees and they start walking across the street.

Ludmilla trails behind.

She walks near Tomas and flirtatiously flips her hair at him. Federico glares at her.


We walk inside to eat at the pizza place and we all cram into a huge round table.

After all the delicious pizza, everyone is pretty much stuffed. We walk outside and everyone says goodbye.

"See you on monday" we all say to each other.

Leon goes over to me as Tomas stares at us in the back.

"Anyways, what I was trying to say earlier was that......I have to thank you... For helping me. Without you, I would have become a motor cross rider and that's not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. Thanks for caring so much about me Violetta" he says smiling.

"Your welcome Leon" I say blushing.

He leans in close to me to hug me. I smile and accept it.

It isn't much of a surprise that he hugs me... but I wasn't expecting for him to pull away so quickly!

When he pulls away, he leans in close to my face... He looks into my eyes for a second, smiles and then grabs my face and pulls me in for a kiss!

Now that... I wasn't expecting!

Of course we hear whistles and "aw"s in the background. This must be really awkward for Tomas...

We stop kissing and he gives me a cheesy grin.

"See you around Violetta" he says walking away.

I wave goodbye and bite my lip. Wow are there butterflies?...

I look past me as Francesca makes a heart with her hands.

"Ship it"


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