Chapter 6- I Care about You!

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Violetta's POV:

•ғrιday aғтer ѕcнool•

The bell rang. Me and Fran went up to meet Marco and Tomas.

"Let's go!" I said linking my arm to Francesca's. I didn't want to be near Tomas or it would feel like a date still.


We walked up to the ticket booth and bought our tickets.

"Can't wait to see the new action movie!" Says Francesca.

"Me too!" says Marco.

When we walk into the very dark theater, we decide to sit in the very back.

When the movie starts, Fran cuddles up next to Marco.

I awkwardly move away from Tomas. I hope he doesn't try to put his arm around me.


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Leon's POV:

Violetta is right. I love singing. I can't let my dad control everything in my life...

I was getting ready to race. There are tons of people out there in the crowd, including my dad. I can't do it. I don't want to be a motor cross rider... I drop my helmet and sneak out. My dad is too busy talking to my sponsor to notice me. As I am about to run off, someone touches my arm.


I turn around and see Lara glaring at me.

"Lara... Please"

"Leon, what are you doing?" She asks.

"I don't want to race... I'm ditching.."

"But your dad is out there Leon... He is gonna be mad..."

"Lara, you don't understand. I don't care if I disappoint my dad. He wants me to be a motor cross rider and I'm not going to be happy if I become one."

"But you are really good Leon! Why are you leaving?"

"Because I'm happier when i'm singing..."

"At that studio..." She says sighing.

"Yeah..." I say.

She looks down and crosses her arms.

"Look, If you want me to be happy don't say anything!" I quickly run off.


I'm walking on the street and finally reach my destination. The movie theater.

Violetta must be inside. I'd rather see a movie with her then go race and live my father's dream.

She never told me what movie she was going to watch. I text her hoping she will reply.


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Violetta's POV:

My phone buzzes. I'm about to check my texts but I feel Tomas' arm touch my shoulder.

I slowly put my phone down and look over.

Tomas looks back at me and smiles. Marco and Fran are kissing next to him.

I gulp and try to shake his hand off my shoulder.

"Is there something wrong?"


"In Your Arms": A Leonetta FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now