Chapter 21- Barcelona Part 3

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Ludmilla's POV:

It's been a hard two days... I can barely rehearse knowing the fact that I let the best thing slip away from me! I love Federico! I wish he would forgive me!

After the final rehearsal, I meet up with Leon again.

"Ludmilla, you're crying again" he says handing me a tissue.

I blow my nose into and then sob, completely ignoring the fact that Leon is covering his ears.

"Ludmilla, c'mon! You can get over this break-up!"

"It's too hard Leon! You don't understand!"

He hands me another tissue and looks at me with his beautiful hazel eyes.

"Here, why don't I take you out to ice-cream? Will that make you feel better?" He asks.

I stand quiety, still gazing into his eyes.

"Ludmilla?" He says waving his hand in front of me.

"Oh! That would be wonderful! Thank you so much Leon! I love you!"

I throw my arms around him and smile widely. It's really sweet of Leon to be caring for me! I think I am starting to like him!


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Leon's POV:

First, Ludmilla stares into my eyes and then she hugs me... I'm starting to think that Ludmilla might like me... That's not why I brought her to ice-cream...

Sure, I want her to forget about Federico and not be so heart-broken... But I really hope she doesn't try to get back together with me... If she makes a move on me I will just remind her that I have a girlfriend...


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Violetta's POV:

Me and Federico walk around the park.

"So Federico, how was your day?"


"Oh ok"

We awkwardly walk through the park.

"Listen, fede... I know you're sad but... You need to get over Ludmilla!"


"You can figure it out Fede! You're strong enough and you know you're amazing! Any girl would be lucky to have you!"

"You really think so?" He asks smiling.

"Of course!" I say beaming.

He grins and then looks into my eyes. Next thing you know, he leans in...

"Um! Let's go get some ice-cream shall we?!" I say quickly backing away.

"Okay. I like ice-cream" he says grabbing my hand.

Oh, I hope Fede doesn't take this the wrong way... Of course, I want him to be happy but I know that I can't kiss someone without feeling the same way about them... I hope he doesn't have a crush on me!


Federico and I walk into the ice-cream parlor. He looks at all the buckets of Ice-cream, determining which one he likes.

There is a long line... So we will have to wait...

Suddenly, amidst all the other people in line, I see long, blonde locks of hair. that must be Ludmilla! Oh, it's going to be so awkward if fede and ludmi see each other!

Leon and I make eye-contact. He sees Federico and is thinking the same.

Quickly, I come up with a plan.

I tap Fede's shoulder.

"Why don't you wait outside?" I say loud enough for Leon to hear. "I will order us the flavors since there is a long line!"

"Oh thanks Vilu! Order me a rainbow sherbet ice-cream please!"

"I will bye!"

He plants a sneaky kiss on my cheek and leaves.

Leon sees everything and tells Ludmilla to wait outside too.

She agrees and hugs Leon while he awkwardly stares at me.

As soon as they're both gone, I go over to him.

"So... Ludmilla likes you?" I say laughing.

"Yeah, and it seems as though Fede likes you?"

"Yes... I don't want him to though... He's nice and all but he deserves someone else..."

"Same here, I don't feel the same way Ludmilla does... She was only happy when she was with Federico..."

"Yeah, Federico made her a better person"

Leon stares at the ground and then comes up with an idea.

"Wait! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Hm.. Get Fedemilla back together?"

"Yes! Then they would be happy, not like us and be ready for the performance!"

"That is a brilliant idea! But how are we going to do it?"

Leon whispers the plan into my ear and I smile.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Yes... But i can't believe we are doing this!"

"Me neither" he says grinning "let's go!"

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