Chapter 46- Getting Noticed

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Violetta's POV:

Who am I kidding? I can't tell Leon I love him! It's not even true!! Sure, he saved me but it's not like it changes anything I feel about him... Right?

"Violetta?...I said are you okay?"

I realize I forgot to reply.

"Oh yeah! I am..!"

"You sure?"

"Of course"

"Okay" he says putting me down and onto my feet.

I let out a big breath, smile at the audience then glance at Leon.

"You saved me... Thank you so much Leon"

"Your wel-"

I cut him off by throwing my arms around his neck. I went in for a long, tight hug. He didn't pull away.


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Leon's POV:

As I hug Violetta, I smile and watch as the curtain falls. I don't want this hug to end... I... Really like Violetta...

She's an amazing friend, kind and beautiful... Everytime I think about her that way, I know that I can't deny I still have feelings for her.

Unfortunately, she's now with Tomas...which means she'd never like me back... They are probably going to be together forever... They have gotten so close and couple-like the last time I saw them together... So how am I supposed to win her heart?

There's only one thing to do... Back off.

Violetta pulls away and looks into my eyes.

"Oh um... So I guess I should go..." i say looking down

"What?" She asks a little confused and hurt.

"Yeah... Because... The show's over now so..."

"Oh right..." She says a little upset. "But Leon... Don't you want to... return to the studio?"


"Please Leon! The only reason why you went back to motorcrossing was because Lara made you! She tried to change you leon... You're a singer not a motorcross rider..."

"I know..."

"So you'll stay?"

"I'll join the studio after the tour ends"

"Oh that's great!"

"Thanks Violetta... For making me realize who I am."

"You did that yourself" she smirks.

"No, without you I would be back to all those dirt races and Lara."

"Your welcome then I guess" she smiles.

I lean in and give her a quick kiss on the cheek before realizing...Crap....She's not my girlfriend.

When I pull away, she blushes and half smiles.

"Uh I'm gonna go now" I say walking away.

"Ya me too... Bye Leon" she laughs.

"Bye Violetta." I smile.


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Violetta's POV:

Ugh. There Leon goes again. Filling butterflies in my stomach. When can I stop liking him? These feelings seem to have never gone away.

Another thing I forgot... Leon thinks I'm with Tomas...

What if I tell him that we aren't together? Then maybe Leon will ask me out!?

I pinch myself. Violetta! Focus! You're not gonna like Leon! I forbid myself too.

It's hard to try to move on from a guy you have so much history with but it's for the best.

"Excuse me?"

I turn around and face a guy with a business-type suit and dark shade glasses.


"You are Violetta Castillo, Am I correct?"

I nod. "Um yeah"

He takes of his shades and reveals his cool, brown colored eyes.

"Hi, My name is Alex, I saw you in one of your first shows back in Paris. I'd just like to say it's a very well performance you kids have put out there"

Hmm... Kids? Why is he calling us kids? He barely looked a few years older than us...

"Oh thank you Alex" I say smiling a bit.

"Here's the deal... I'm a star searching talent manager and I think that you have got what it takes!"

"Really?!" I ask a little excitedly.

"Of course kiddo! You're amazing"

I was sort of bugged by him whenever he mentioned me as a kid.

"Thank you so much!"

"I'd love to work with you and become your manager, I mean... Your talent is amazing!"

"That means a lot thanks Alex!"

"No problem so listen, here's my card! Just think about it and if you say yes I bet I can get you into some pretty big stuff!"

"Okay I will think about it" I say smiling.

"Okay See you later Bye Violetta"

"Bye Alex"


Did I just get a manager?!

Wow! I never thought that I would get a chance to become famous this quick!

We are getting reading to fly for Argentina. The tour is already over! It was an amazing experience! And at the end I finally got noticed! I have been waiting for the longest time for this opportunity... I just hope my family is okay with it...


"In Your Arms": A Leonetta FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now