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Valentino ---

With his two best men beside him, Valentino Amore stepped out of his shiny, black Porsche, his shoes hitting the solid ground in a fast pace as he signaled his men to stay close behind him. He needed a quiet place to speak to a rival gang member on the phone. It was a very relevant topic they had to address as soon as possible, and the streets were full of wasted teenagers. He didn't want those brats to eavesdrop on anything, so talking out in the open, even in the furthest streets, was out of the question.

He glanced around the street, detecting a place that was excellent for his circumstance. He nodded to Zaire and Jackson, pointing at the library they had parked a few seconds away. Plus, it was beneficial because the library was the quietest place they knew. It was unplanned, very much so, but it was peaceful. Valentino moved towards the glass door, running his fingers through his well-groomed, blondish curls. He looked in, eyes piercing into the store.

"Let's go," he said, not seeing any lights on inside. His voice was low yet still strict and deep. The crimson curtains were drawn inside the library, but he could still perceive a peek of the inside. Cocking his gun in his hand, he forced the door open with a noisy, grimacing creak. His eyes widened imperceptibly in astonishment. It wasn't even locked.

He snickered darkly in amusement, stepping inside, placing the blinds aside so he could pass. "That was easy," he said emphatically, free of anybody hearing him.

His dark, almost black eye darted around the building, studying it. His eyes held anger, whenever and wherever, no matter the situation. Valentino had light brown curls with blonde streaks, always combed and taken care of correctly. He shaved commonly, loathing facial hair. On his right hand, he had a dulled rose tattoo that he got when he first formed the gang; Tainted Rose.

Zaire and Jackson chased behind, looking around to see if anyone was watching. Jackson shut the entrance behind them, turning the keys that were left in the lock.

Valentino instantly began pacing, dialing Tyler's, his former member's, number. "Mother fucker, c'mon fucking accept the call!" He thundered, his voice echoing through the library.

When Tyler finally picked up after several rings, the two started chatting about a criminal they had to kill. Tyler wasn't very fond of Valentino, but they both hated the son of a bitch. After all, Tainted Rose never killed without a legitimate reason. Valentino trodded around the rug, his fingers brushing against the various books as he shared his plan with Tyler.

Meanwhile, still on the ladder behind a few shelves, was Nathaniel, trembling like a leaf. He was too afraid to move, but he had an advantage; the boys hadn't noticed him yet.

Collecting himself up, telling himself that he could escape, he nonchalantly got down the creaky steps, making him hold his breath as his heart thudded against his ribs. He was terrified, lowering one foot at a time, stopping after each time his feet felt something solid. While he was on the last step, his knees buckled, making him stumble onto his bottom.

Valentino froze as he heard the sound of someone whimpering and something falling down, looking at Zaire and Jackson. Slowly, a wicked grin made its way onto his thick lips, his eyebrows raising. "Guess we have a mouse here, listening in on us, hm boys?" He chuckled humorlessly, clasping his gun tighter.

"Zaire, you know I hate mouses, right?" Zaire nodded, "yeah, you really do," he replied emotionlessly.

"Exactly. So little mouse, get ready to play a game of hide and seek."

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