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Valentino woke up the next morning to a sound of a heavy object falling down. He growled, sitting up instantly as he wasn't the lightest of sleepers. His hard gaze softened when he saw Nathaniel on the floor, naked and pouting. "Awe," Valentino cooed, chuckling as the boy glared at him over his shoulders. The bed creaked after being banged against the wall for the majority of the night once Valentino stood up. Unlike Nathaniel, he wasn't fully naked, wearing some boxers and loose shorts.

"What's wrong, cupcake?" Nathaniel blushed, looking at his naked lower body that was covered in dark purple bruises and hickeys. "I can't walk," he whispered shyly, trying to cover his member that was exposed for the world to see. He was afraid that Valentino would get hungry again once he saw how sensitive he was. He had been woken up more than once just because Valentino wasn't satisfied and wanted more of his body. After a few rounds, Nathaniel was given permission to sleep. He was overworked and tried, but that didn't mean that he didn't enjoy every second of it.

Valentino chuckled, "Awe, baby," he said, shuffling towards the boy on the floor and picking him up like a little baby. "Let me see the marks I left on you, precious." Nathaniel shireked as Valentino grabbed his hands, forcing them away from his member. "Isn't that beautiful?" He asked, staring at the bruises he had left. "Do they hurt, Nathaniel?" He asked softly, kissing his neck softly. "N-No, just when you poke them."

Valentino was confused. As he said, "Like this?" he poked a bruise on his thigh, making Nathaniel let out a little yelp. "Y-Yes, like that! Don't do that again." Valentino snickered, pulling the boy onto his lap and running his hands over his tiny waist and stomach. "We have some plans today, baby." "Like a date?" The latter asked, playing with Valentino's fingers. "I wish... I need to attend a buisness dinner with one of my former partners." Nathaniel listened carefully, trying to grap the information that was given to him.

"And I want you to be my date." That sent Nathaniel into the edge of being a stuttering mess. He didn2t know the first thing about formality, meeting new people, attending fancy dinners while wearing elegant suits and all that crap. These factors were likes strangers to him. Once he had process the information, he stuttered, "B-But I can't!" Valentino furrowed his eyebrows, "Why not, baby boy?" "I don't know anything about being elegant and fancy and all that. I won't be able to attend said dinner."

"Of course you will, Nathaniel. You don't need to dress up to go to a buisness dinner. We can buy you a suit. I'm sure you'll look absolutely adorable, as always. I promise." Nathaniel pouted, using his puppy dog eyes to allure the older boy. Valentino locked his jaw, looking away before he could give in. "No. I won't let you not come. I'll be all alone there, with many cute, small boys. Would you like that? For me to go to a dinner with little boys like yourself?" Nathaniel gasped and wrapping himself around Valentino, shaking his head furiously. "N-No! You can't go!"

"It's mandatory for me to go, baby. But it's your decision to accompany me." Nathaniel whined but then nodded, obeying. Valentino cooed at the boy and pinched his cheeks, "Such a good boy for me." Blushing, Nathaniel swatted his abusing hands away from his tormented cheeks, blushing. "Don't worry. I'll be sure to give you a little reward for agreeing, baby. Thank you for agreeing to come with me."

Nathaniel giggled, standing up from Valentino's lap and giving him a kiss. "You're welcome. Now, can you make me some breakfast?"


For breakfast, the two had had a lovely plate of waffles. Being the healthy couple they were, they decided to treat themselves to popcorn afterwards.But once they realized that Nathaniel needed a suit, they left the microwaved popcorn on the kitchen counter and dashed out of the house and into Valentino's car. Valentino drove to Prada, one of his favorite brands.

"What color do you want the suit to be, kitten?" Nathaniel thought about it, "Whatever color you want it to be." "You want me to give you a suggestion?" The smaller boy nodded, looking at him through the driver's mirror. "I think black or dark blue would look gorgeous on you, baby boy." "Then I can try those colors."

The two hopped off once they reached their destination. Valentino held his hand, opening the door for him. Nathaniel's mouth dropped open. The store was breathtaking, and he was sure he had never been to such a beautiful place before. He felt like a peasant there. As he was busy looking at the crystal chandelier, a kind looking young boy greeted them, "Hello, sir. May I be of any assistance." He gulped when he felt Nathaniel glare at him. "Hello, Jesse," Valentino replied, "Can you bring me a collection of black and dark blue suits?" The boy nodded, shyly scurrying off.

"He likes you," Nathaniel murmered, pouting to himself once again." Valentino let out a low chuckle, wrapping an arm around the boy's waist. "He has a girlfriend, Nathaniel. Not everyone is attracted to me, y'know." Nathaniel glared at him, "He might be bisexual, 'y'know'. And like I said, I can tell he likes you, girlfriend or not." Valentino's hand trailed lower than it should've, eyes darkening slightly. "Well, when you put it like that, you should be able to see that I like you, admirer or not." After the clever comeback, Nathaniel just grumbled to himself.

Jesse came back with two suits for each requested color. Nathaniel was pushed into a dressing room with both of the suits. He huffed and began to get dressed, listening to Jesse and Valentino have a little conversation. "How's your girlfriend?" Jesse blushed and rubbed the back of his neck shyly, "W-We broke up, sir." "Oh, that's a pity. I'm sorry about that." "Thank you, sir." Nathaniel growled before stopping and looking at himself in the mirror. He grimaced at himself, adjusting the suit he had on. 

He looked ridicious and he was sure of it. Valentino knocked on the door, "Are you ready to come out now?" Nathaniel responded with a soft voice, "I'm not coming out." "Why? Is something wrong?" When Nathaniel didn't respond, he persistantly informed him that he was coming in. "No, no, n-" Valentino barged in, the smaller boy covering himself. "D-Don't look!" Valentino's gaze softened, his jaw open slightly, "Take the suit off, Nathaniel." 

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