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The sound of the waves creeping up on the shore wasn't enough for Nathaniel to calm down. He was a nervous wreck, chewing on his nails and pacing around the private room. He had never felt so anxious before, his mind forcing him to think of the worst outcomes possible.
What if Valentino left? What if he didn't even show up? What if he tripped over himself when walking up to him? What if...?

Jackson and Zaire were there to assist him, kind of taking on the role of the groomsmen. They were fed up with his little tantrum, just trying to get him ready for the special evening. But the boy wasn't cooperating as smoothly as they hoped he would.

The wedding was to take place at the beach, where exquisite decorations were already put into place. He could hear the waves and the sound of the wind, but he wouldn't concentrate on them. God forbid he relaxed. Vivacious flowers decorated the chairs and the wedding arch. Nathaniel was given a room inside of a beautiful hotel, where they were to get ready and dressed. He wasn't sure who was taking care of Valentino, maybe a few of his men, but he was convinced that he was just as nervous as he was feeling.

With sweaty palms, he came up with a new outcome that would probably not even happen.

"What if he dies of a heart attack!? What if I die of a heart attack?" The two boyfriends shared a look, Jackson shaking his head at Zaire's request to just kill him.

"Sweetheart, listen to me. Nothing bad is going to happen. Normally, you're feeling like this. We understand. But it's not normal that you're thinking of dying at your wedding. Relax, okay? You don't have to worry about anything other than how Valentino's di-" Zaire elbowed him, Nathaniel looking at him with big doe eyes.

"Are you sure?" Both grumbled and nodded, having had enough of his negative thoughts.
"Positive. Now please, will you sit down? We're going to call the hairdresser." He sat down, obeying, and tapping on his thighs. He wasn't even dressed yet.

Thankfully, when the hairdresser came, he could tell that she was charming and caring just from how cheerful her smile was. She was a lady in her mid-forties, her greyish blond hair wrapped in a bun. She welcomed Nathaniel over to her spinning chair and placed her hands on his shoulders calmly, asking him if he'd like a specific cut.

"I'd like for my curls to be tamed and not as wild. Maybe you can style them? Make them look neater?" The lady, who was called by the name 'Bella,' nodded gently and got to work. First, she washed his hair and massaged his head, adding cream and then blowdrying it. She styled his blond curls, making them look elegant yet natural. He was shocked, but at the same time thrilled, to see how beautiful his hair looked. He hadn't gotten it styled before, and he liked to enough to consider asking to visit the hair salon every once in a while.

Bella took a look at her work, sighing and rubbing her forehead.
"You look dazzling, sweetheart. The groom is going to be paralyzed once he sees you. I can guarantee that." Nathaniel shot her an adorable grin, shaking his head and feeling his curls bounce from side to side playfully. Even Zaire slightly smiled at his actions.

"Thank you! I love it!" He thanked her, still smiling at his hair. He really did love it, form how shiny it looked to how it felt on top of his head. It really gave him a boost of confidence and helped to forget about his ridiculous worries that were piling on top of his thoughts and shoulders.

Bella bid her goodbyes and assured him that she'd be watching the ceremony and attending the party. Nathaniel gave her a joyful hug and bounced around like a little kid, now excited for the wedding.

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