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After resting for a few days, Nathaniel was forced to return to work at La Rose, as he liked to call it. The full name of the restaurant sounded too posh for his taste. He had taken multiple days off since he was always getting himself into problems. He wasn't entirely rambunctious to go back to work since he didn't have any friends there, but he promised himself to make the most out of it.

He was over-the-moon that day. He had spent the weekend with Valentino, and he was certain that his precocious feelings had developed into something more than a simple crush. He was sure of it now, he could feel it each time he and Valentino interacted. But that feeling made him feel ecstatic. He knew he needed to act careful.

As he hurried to finish cleaning the piling dishes, he was also trying to hurry from table to table, his newly discovered energy giving him a boost, and surprisingly, he wasn't tired at all. He was just too happy to fuss over little details at the moment. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't been this joyful in a long time. The thought almost made him sad and feel bad for himself, but he stopped, grinning at the dirty dish in front of him. He scrubbed harder, trying to estimate the time when Valentino would come to pay him an expected visit.

The music helped slip into a state of ataraxia. He hummed a gentle tune as he opened the windows, smiling when he felt the wind. He was in a mindset of eunoia at the moment, and nothing could distract him. That was until a man walked in. Nathaniel beamed at him, almost dropping the plate he was washing. Valentino slammed the door behind him, enraged. Because of the affinity Nathaniel had for him, he continued smiling, a little perplexed.

"Nathaniel!" Valentino barked, Nathaniel shrieking in response. He looked at Valentino with fearful eyes, his eyes scanning the older boy, trying to understand what it was that he did wrong.

"W-What happened?" The boy asked timidly. He cowered submissively. "What is this mess?! I told you to work hard today. You've clearly been slacking off and sitting on your ass. Half the plates aren't even washed yet!" Nathaniel's jaw dropped in shock. "A-Are you okay? Is there a problem?"

Valentino glared at him with a terrifying expression, his eyes enlarged and painted bloodshot, his nostrils flared as he heaved. "You're my problem," he hissed. Nathaniel was heartbroken, wondering if he was drunk. "Are you drunk? W-Would you like to sit down. I can make you some te-" "SHUT UP! Nathaniel, it's over! I never want to see you again, our relationship is over."

Nathaniel bit his lip, drawing crimson blood as he tried to fight his tears. With teary eyes, he nodded in acquiescence. Valentino shut his eyes before he spoke again in a draconian yet calm voice. "From now on we will only be boss and employee. Understood?" Nathaniel didn't reply, avoiding eye contact with the grinch in front of him.

"UNDERSTOOD?" Valentino roared, spitting fire. Nathaniel met his gaze, "I understand," he said in a shaky voice. It was evident that he was fighting off his tears. "Good. Get back to work. I'll drop off your belongings later tonight." Nathaniel didn't reply, trying to keep his breathing normal, at least until Valentino left. He wouldn't let himself get any more humiliated. Valentino then left, not looking behind once.

As soon as the door shut, Nathaniel began to weep, using his hands to cover his mouth so no one would hear him. He was having a very difficult time breathing, and soon, he began to hyperventilate. It just hurt too much, his heart, his shaking legs, his pounding head... It was too much to handle.

He didn't bother to clean himself. Instead, he began to wash the dishes, his heart beat fast and rapid. All the promises Valentino had made to him were broken, and he didn't even know the reason. Had he done something wrong? Was he just not good enough for such a prepossessing man? The contradicting attitudes of Valentino were just making him feel like he was toyed with, lead on.

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