Twenty One

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Warning: Sexual Harassment

Back at work, Nathaniel kept serving tables, his uniform looking adorable on him. The clothes framed his skinny body, the pants wrapping tightly around his slender legs. And although he looked cute, he was feeling uncomfortable and cautious with his tight pants on.

Early in the morning, he served table after table. People seemed to have a special craving towards pancakes that particular day.

Nathaniel's stomach growled as he served the fluffy pancakes that smelled ever so deliciously with it's sweet maple syrup dripping down its layers.

Valentino was in another part of the restaurant, attending an important meeting he had that day. It was about a rapist on the loose, apparently harassing both male and female individuals shamelessly.

Tainted Rose never killed without two things; treason and reason. Unless someone decided to act out of line, they never damaged or caused harm to anyone either. They weren't like other gangs.

Valentino, deep in thought, rummaged through his marvelous brain for ideas. "I say we shoot him," he said carelessly, his voice full of malice. Jackson spoke up, "I heard that he was harassing people close to this location. We should keep our eyes wide open."

That grabbed Valentino's attention fully. Nobody would dare to mess with him. Not unless they had an overpowering wish to be ripped apart.

"I want Haunt and Dagger guarding the front door. Don't look too frightening. You might scare people away." Dagger and Haunt nodded, standing up with permission and fleeing the room.

Valentino stood up, crossing his arms over his chest, his nostrils flared in anger. "Nobody should dare mess with this place. Nobody." He then turned on his heel and stormed out the room.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel was cleaning the floor, mopping the shiny tiles. He had put up a sign, warning people that the floor was wet and slippery and was a chance of chaos if someone were to fall. 

When he was done and ready to serve tables again, he went to put the mop away. He walked to the janitors closet, feeling as if someone was watching him secretly. Nathaniel looked back, inspecting the area before turning back around.

He entered the closet, turning the lights on, dust flying around the tight space. He made a mental note to clean the place during lunch break. Nathaniel accidentally dropped his mop. He sighed, cursing to himself before bending over to pick it.

What he didn't expect to feel were two large hands, gripping his hips tightly. He jumped, yelping as he stood up straight. He was face to face with a monstrous man, grinning at him like the chesire cat, his stained, yellow teeth on display.

"S-Sir, you shouldn't be here. M-May I escort you back to your table? Perhaps answer any questions you might've wanted t-to ask?" Nathaniel almost screamed when he was pulled close, the man's rotten nails digging into his hips.

"What a lovely little creature you are," he commented, his beady eyes glimmering. He was famished, reading to devour his meal. "S-Sir, p-please stop."

Nathaniel was in a state of shot, paralyzed as the man locked the closet door, turning off the lights. Before Nathaniel's entire world went dark, he saw the man lick his chapped lips.

He felt wet lips on his neck. Finally snapping out of it, he thrashed in the man's arms, kicking and screaming. A loud slap echoed in the room, Nathaniel's sensitive cheek burning as he sobbed. "S-Stop! I d-don't want t-this! P-Please!"

His words were unheard by the man, or maybe simply ignored as he felt his pants being unbuttoned. "Stop, stop, stop," he chanted, tears rolling down his cheek, his nightmare turning into cruel reality. In a tight, pitch black room, he was unheard. Nobody could hear nor see him. Nobody was there to save him.

His ears had begun ringing, his heart beating fast and uncontrollably as the man undid his own buttons, chuckling with his raspy throat. He snaked an arm around Nathaniel's hips, bringing him close, ready to turn the boy around and have his way with him.

Nathaniel felt numb. Nothing. Empty. In the end, he didn't have the strength to yell, the strength to push the man away and run. Because he didn't see a point anymore.

That was until light entered his life again, the ringing stopping as he heard footsteps approaching the closet.

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