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Nathaniel stood up, stroking his hurting behind as he clasped a hand over his lips so his indifferent breathing wouldn't be the reason that the boys spotted him. He ran away from the chuckle that escaped past the two boy's lips, Valentino making no sound, but having a tremendous smirk plastered on his face.

"Come out come out where ever you are," he taunted, his smirk growing as he heard a small whimper coming from the further shelf on the left side.

He looked at Jackson and Zaire, his eyes glimmering with sadism. "I'm going to have some fun with the mouse. You two pretend to search, perhaps make some bizarre noises." The two nodded, running off to do as their feared leader and friend said.

Valentino sneaked towards the shelf, his arms behind his back, gun in hand as he simpered like a Cheshire cat. He scraped the back of his gun onto the shelves, trying to alarm the person as much as possible.

He didn't know if he was a girl or a boy. He hadn't observed Nathaniel and didn't know that he was indeed a boy. "C'mon little mouse, I just want to play." His tone sent shivers down Nathaniel's spine, making his skin crawl because of how much dominance he had laced in his voice.

With buckling knees and a trembling body, Nathaniel inaudibly shuffled to the other shelf, his breath hitching in his throat when he realized that he was facing Valentino's back. He had on a ruby red button-up shirt and black pants, an identically black belt finishing it. Nathaniel's eyes watered as he stood there, shaking all over, frozen.

Valentino halted in his tracks, laughing darkly, sending electric shocks through Nathaniel. His rapidly pounding heart thudded like a thundercloud inside of him. His cheeks were highlighted with a red blush because of how much he was drained of energy, yet he had to run away from the gangleader in front of him. Despite his knowledge, his feet denied to sprint away.

He felt as if the two humongous shelves near both sides of him were caging him with the monster in front of him. Valentino turned around on his heels, face twisting into an impassioned expression that made Nathaniel want to be six feet under.

Nathaniel had never seen such a gorgeous, such a god-like face that looked like it belonged to an art museum. Valentino's onyx eyes pierced through him like a speedy arrow, long eyelashes making him feel weak. He looked too perfect to be a human. It was almost as if he was sculpted by God.

Valentino took a heavy step towards his prey, bringing his gun forwards. After taking a few steps towards him, he faked a pout, a crease forming in between his eyebrows. "Aww, turns out the mouse actually is a kitten," he traced Nathaniel's jaw with his cold gun, Nathaniel's eyes swirling with absolute and pure fear.

He was sweating, eyes watering yet he couldn't take his eyes off the boy in front of him. "How adorable," he taunted, stepping closer to him, making his prey step backward until his back hit a wall. Realization seemed to slap him across the face, hard. He was trapped.

Nathaniel found it tougher and harder to breathe as the clock ticked away. His vision was becoming blurry, making him blink fastly to regain it.

It was all tumbling down on him, the clammy sweat piling up in his back, the tangled knot growing in his stomach, the dryness of his mouth, his eyes pleading for the handsome boy that was caging him for mercy. He felt unsteady, light-headed as if he was on the brink of passing out.

Instead of pleading, little mewls escaped past his bitten and swollen lips, the broken skin close to bleeding. "Panicked now, are we?" From Valentino's point of view, he had never seen someone like the kitten before. He was pure and innocent, and he was sure of that.

For all his life, Valentino was the center of attraction and attention where ever he desired to go. He made hearts break, heads turn, gazes avert. But he was also so dangerous that he could kill you on the inside with just one look, one sentence.

He used his aura to become successful, living two lives; one as a successful billionaire, and one as a mafia gang leader. Everybody knew his name.

"P-Please let m-me go," stuttered Nathaniel. Valentino felt like he could listen to his sweet voice for days on end. It was silky soft, so sweet and captivating. "I don't think so, sweetheart. After all, you heard a very important part of my phone call, didn't you?"

Indeed he had. But to save his ass, Nathaniel lied straight through his teeth, "I-I didn't, I-I swear." "Lying is a sin, kitten. I suggest you don't lie to me." "I-I won't tell anyone! I promise! P-Please, don't kill me." Hell, if Valentino wanted Nathaniel to get down onto his knees and plead for his life, then he would in the blink of an eye.

While the taller boy wanted to play around with the scared kitten more, he rolled his eyes, eyes darkening suddenly. He gripped Nathaniel's cheeks with one hand, making his lips pucker and make him look like a fish.

"I'm warning you. If you dare say anything about this, I assure you that you'll regret it with your entire being." Nathaniel nodded quickly, feeling so relieved that he felt like he could fly in pure bliss. "Until next time, kitten."

Next time? Nathaniel was confused but began to run away until he stopped to say, "O-Oh, please lock the door while you're leaving. Mrs. Lavender will be very mad at me if I leave it unlocked. You can put the keys under the doormat. Thanks!"

He then ran out of the library as if his life depended on it. Valentino stood there, leaning on the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. He began to light a cigarette when Zaire and Jackson came over. "What happened to the mouse?" "Kitten," he corrected, "I let him go." "What?!" Jackson said, shocked.

"Do you think I'd do anything without a reason? Zaire, delete the camera footage." Zaire nodded quietly, glaring at the ground as he walked. He had a rough past and had a grudge against life itself.

"I'm going to need plenty of yarn to play, don't I?" The smoke from the cigar floated up as Valentino chuckled, outlining his plan inside of his mastermind.

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