Twenty Six

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Valentino aimed the blow dryer away from Nathaniel's face, trying not to turn his face as he blow-dried his curls. Nathaniel looked at himself, wrapped in a few fluffy towels to keep warm, Valentino insisting. 

The older boy, his hair already dried, ran his fingers from the boy's soft curls, the scent of vanilla spreading through the room. Nathaniel smelled absolutely divine. 

He looked at him, frowning when he saw the way he was looking at himself. He bent down, turning the blow drier off. "Baby, stop looking at yourself like that." Nathaniel looked at him, cuddling into the towels. "H-How?" "You look disgusted, Nathaniel. Stop that." 

Nathaniel looked down, ashamed of himself. "You're adorable, beautiful, baby boy. Please don't degrade yourself." Nathaniel's cheeks flushed red as he nodded, heart racing. Placing a soft kiss to his cheek, Valentino helped him stand up, getting his clothes ready. 

"What would you like to wear?" "A blue hoodie, please." Nathaniel had seen Valentino wear a blue hoodie once and fell in love with it. Valentino smiled, grabbing his smallest pair of jeans and the hoodie, handing them to the smaller boy. 

"Go put em on then we can relax. I'm yours for the entire day." Nathaniel grinned, squealing as he took the clothes, running to the bedroom. Valentino chuckled, putting on a red shirt and sweatpants, something casual and comfortable. He wanted to cuddle on the couch and watch movies with his baby for today.

It would help him relax. 


Soon, they were cuddled up on the couch, watching Coraline together. It was Nathaniel's favorite, and he had insisted that he wanted to watch it. Valentino didn't care that it was an animation, he would gladly watch anything Nathaniel liked.

Focusing on the movie, Valentino hadn't noticed that Nathaniel was staring at him until he turned to look at him. The boy looked away, embarrassed. "I caught you," chuckled Valentino with a raspy voice, teasing the humiliated boy. "N-No, shut up." Nathaniel bit back, covering his face secretly. "What were you doing then?"

Nathaniel observed his face, trying to come up with an excuse. "I- uh, you have a pimple! Oh, yeah, a huge, huge pimple, and it somehow managed to capture my attention. Not my fault..." 

Valentino raised an eyebrow as his voice drifted away, his eyes boring into the smaller boy's ones, demanding the truth. "I-I-" He glared harder, forcing Nathaniel to submit.  

"OKAY FINE GOSH! Is it a crime to stare these days?" "Yes, baby. It is." Nathaniel pouted, his pout turning into a smile when Valentino pecked his lips quickly and unexpectedly. "I really like you," he said, his face caressing Nathaniel's soft cheek. He smirked when he felt him heat up, turning into a blabbering and stuttering mess within a matter of seconds.

"I-I l-like you t-too!" 

Grabbing his face with both hands, Valentino slammed his lips onto his. They had missed the majority of the movie, but quite frankly, they didn't care. Their lips moved in sync, Valentino forcing his tongue into Nathaniel's mouth, the boy squeaking but melting into his arms. He wrapped his arms around the older boy, Valentino grabbing the back of his thighs and escorting him onto his lap. 

Nathaniel whimpered when Valentino softly bit his bottom lip, his hands gripping his thighs. When they parted, both were panting, Nathaniel hiding his face in his chest, hugging him. "That's adorable, baby," Valentino commented, caressing his curls. "So pretty for me." 

Nathaniel peeked up at him, Valentino opening his mouth, "Do you want to go on a date with me tonight?" 

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