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Nathaniel broke into a cold sweat, panting as he dashed forwards, lunging towards the bookshelves. He tried to muffle his loud breathing in order to hide and hoodwink the predators. The three boys were counting agonizingly loud, counting in sync, their voices blending in together perfectly.

Nathaniel backed up into a bookshelf, trying to spot a hiding spot that wouldn't give away his location. He almost gasped in glee when he saw the front desk. He could hide under it, his small frame perfect for the stuffing space.

He tiptoed over, the timer at "thirty-four" already. He held his breath, his lungs begging for oxygen, especially in his condition with a rapidly thundering heart and adrenaline pumping into his veins.

Nathaniel knew that he had to remain calm so that his loud breathing wouldn't be the cause of his predators finding him. He crouched, slapping a hand over his mouth, shutting his eyes tightly when the last number was called out. "Forty-five." A round of snickers echoed out, sending chills down Nathaniel's spine. "Ready or not, here we come."

Zaire dashed to the left side of the building, dedicated to make his friend and boss proud by finding the boy. Jackson was inspecting every little detail of the library, glancing at Valentino who was ferociously looking around, his ears tingling with every little sound, head snapping towards it.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are..." He taunted, a waspish snarl on his face. He was getting impatient already, wanting to devour the little kitten immediately. Nathaniel stayed put, eyes watering in fright when he heard the steps of a boy right outside of the table he was under.

Jackson chuckled, hearing breathing come from under the table. Knowing that Valentino wanted to be the one who found the kitten, he headed towards the man, informing him of his newfound information.

"He's under that table," he whispered with a smirk, pointing at the table. "You sure?" Jackson nodded, Valentino let out an obnoxious chuckle, stepping closer to the table.

"I appreciate your efforts, kitten. I really do. Unfortunately for you..." He crouched down, making the poor boy jump, screaming. Valentino winced, plucking his ears before letting go. "I found you."

Nathaniel stood up, trying to make a run for it, but he found himself being lifted off the ground and into strong arms, dangling off Valentino's broad shoulders.

"L-Let me go!" He yelled, whimpering as he attacked Valentino's back in hopes that the tall boy would let him go. But he didn't want to be dropped either. "Darling, compose yourself. I'm not going to stab you to death or anything." "You could!" Nathaniel snapped back, kicking and trying to get away. Zaire and Jackson watching in amusement, making zero effort to free the poor boy from Valentino's grip.

"You're right, I could." Nathaniel screamed even more. "I'm not going to though, Nathaniel, calm down." His voice was cold as ice, making Nathaniel oblige in seconds, shutting up. "Good boy," he taunted with a sickening grin.

He slowly let Nathaniel down, holding him by his wrist so he limited his freedom. "A bet is a bet, darling." Nathaniel looked down in shame, scolding himself for not putting up a fight. The lack of authority and control he had of the situation made him feel weak.

"For my wish for winning the first round, I want you to sleep over at my apartment for a week." Nathaniel's jaw dropped, eyes bulging out. "A WEEK?" He asked in shock and disbelief.

"Haven't I made myself clear?" Valentino growled, making the boy cower. "Crystal, sir." Valentino chuckled, "next round will be in a week. Boys, drive us home." Zaire and Jackson shared a look, knowing that Valentino had found his new boy toy already.

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