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Work had never felt harder for Nathaniel. God, it just seemed as if that day was just taking a toll upon him. Disaster had struck and caused Valentino to get sick, which resulted in the younger forcing him to stay bed bound for the rest of the day while he worked.

This had already made the boy miserable, but the number of customers waiting for food and the lack of rest he received was also making his poor muscles ache. He precariously walked from table to table, taking orders and placing plates on each table.

The last thing he needed was an angry customer just waiting to ruin his entire day. The only thing that kept him going was Valentino's request for the boy; take a selfie with Rumplestiltskin and send it to him.

There was only half an hour to his lunch break anyway, so he was trying his best to contain his excitement. Also, he didn't know if he was gaining weight, but his uniform felt tighter these days around his lower body parts. He shrugged though, dismissing the thought and bending over to pick a fork a small child had dropped.

"Here you go," he smiled, handing the little boy a new fork. "T-Thank you, sir!" The boy beamed up at him, Nathaniel smiling fondly. "You're welcome, darling. Anything I can get you?" The boy bounced in his seat, looking over to his mother, who was reading through the menu herself.

"Mommy! Can I have a chocolate milkshake?" The woman offered Nathaniel a kind smile, "Of course you can, why don't you have the mini hamburger as well? I'll have the spaghetti bolognese and a green smoothie, he'll have the mini hamburger on the kid's menu, please." Nathaniel wrote it down, nodding.

"Anything else?" "No thank you, dear." "I'll be right back with your plates." Nathaniel took the menus away to the kitchen, messing with his curls as he waited for the meals to cook. He felt something vibrate in his back pocket before he grabbed his phone, smiling when he saw Valentino's name pop up.

"Hello?" He asked in a soft voice. "How're you doing, love? Is everything good?" Nathaniel told him how everything was okay and that he was doing good, working hard as usual. "What a good boy," Valentino said in his deep voice that was deeper now that he was sick.

Nathaniel blushed, "I'm going to the library as I said during my lunch break. Do you want me to come over and cook you something? I'm observing the chief here. I'm determined to get good," he excitedly said.

"That's adorable. But no, baby. In fact, I'll come over to the library as well. Maybe then we can get coffee." "Valentino, you need to rest." He could hear the older's groan, "I'm fine. I'll be there in half an hour. See you later, Nathaniel." Nathaniel said his "Buh-Bye" and then hung up, checking the time.

Had had two minutes until his lunch break, so he decided to grab his coat, taking his name tag off. He took his belongings and announced that he was going on break before leaving out the backdoor. He began to walk to the library, which was about ten or fifteen minutes away, his hands in his pockets as he listened to music, tuning the world out.

He knew how dangerous that could be, being willingly vulnerable. This way, he couldn't hear most things, allowing people to sneak up on him, maybe kidnap or do worse things. But his boyfriend was a mafia for God's sake, nothing bad would happen to him. He snickered at the thought, pushing the doors to the library open.

He stepped in, smiling widely at the nostalgic smell he smelt as soon as he stepped in. The smell of books. He heard Mrs. Lavender talking to someone, so he started to well towards them slowly, still grinning. He felt Rumplestilskin meow at him, the kitten pawing at his leg and looking up at him with his big, adorable eyes.

He picked the kitten up, cooing. "You left too soon, Nathan," came a voice from behind him. He turned around to find his former crush smiling at him. Lucas ruffled his hair, running his fingers through them. "How are you doing? Honestly, I was surprised to hear that my favorite had left."

Nathaniel couldn't help but blush, remembering the times he had gushed over the boy. "I-I'm good, ho-how about you?" Lucas chuckled, picking Rumplestilskin up from the shorter's arms. "Why did you leave, Nathan?" He asked with a pout. "I was offered a new job," Nathaniel mumbled, rubbing his arm.

"That's too bad. I missed you here." Nathaniel looked at the flirtatious boy, an eyebrow raised. "Are you trying to imply something?" "Took you long enough to figure it out." He stepped closer, "And I know that you feel the same way. So why don't we go and enjoy some coffee. Then maybe we can go to my pla-"

He was cut off my Mrs. Lavender hugging the life out of Nathaniel. "My baby boy!" She gushed, petting his curls as he giggled. Lucas awkwardly stood, petting the cat as he watched Mrs. Lavender scold the boy for not visiting sooner. "I missed you so much, Nathan! I have some cookies here, I'll bring you some."

She rushed away, making Lucas smirk, "Would you want milk with those cookies?" Of course, Nathaniel didn't understand, nodding innocently. Lucas then grabbed his hand, smiling, "Let's go, pretty." Nathaniel was shocked, panicking as he tried to yank his hand back. Valentino would come anytime now...

"N-No, you see, I have a boyfri-" "Well I came first didn't I? You liked me before him. Plus, that just confirms your sexuality." Him having a boyfriend didn't seem to stop him from dragging the boy away.

Nathaniel breathed out a sigh of relief when he saw Valentino enter the store. The smaller smiled at him, waving. "Va-" Before he knew it, Lucas had turned his head towards him and was now forcefully kissing him.

Before he could say "What the hell?", Lucas was shoved off him, thrown to the ground and held at gunpoint. Mrs. Lavender gasped, dropping the cookies. Valentino's eyes bored into Lucas's, who was sweating and gulping, eyes glossy. "V-Val-" Nathaniel tried to calm him, but was pushed away, "Don't touch me," Valentino coldly said, his hand shaking as he gripped his gun.

"Let me make something clear, nobody, especially lowlife teenage boys, touches something that clearly belongs to me." Nathaniel whimpered, trying to pull his arm, "L-Let's go-" "Shut the fuck up, Nathaniel!" Valentino roared, Nathaniel's eyes watering.

"No-o, it's just a misunderstanding, I-" "Look man, you can keep him, I don't care. J-Just, let me go, I won't tell.." Nathaniel grabbed his arm, nuzzling into it, using his puppy dog eyes. "Y-You're scaring me." Valentino's hard glare softened as he grabbed Nathaniel, dragging him outside the library.

Nathaniel smiled at Mrs, Lavender apologetically; who looked like she was about to pass out. "I swear I didn't-" "Save it." He was pushed into a car, Valentino speeding him home. "I have work.." Nathaniel began. "You're not going to work the afternoon."

"What, w-why?" "Because I'm going to have to punish you."

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