Thirty One

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Nathaniel fell asleep quickly after that. He was too worn-out to stay awake and watch a movie. Valentino didn't mind though, as the boy looked especially beautiful when asleep. His long eyelashes grazed his cheekbones, plump lips slightly parted, a little drool dripping from the side of his mouth and onto the soft pillow he had cuddled up to. He truly was an angel, and Valentino was aware of just how lucky and fortunate he was.

He was all cuddled up in bed, wearing cozy and comfortable bedroom attire. Adorable little snores escaped past his lips as he whined. 

"Oh, baby," Valentino whispered, smiling adoringly. The baby boy was too tired, and he found it to be quite adorable. He caressed his cheek, leaning over and pressing a kiss to his cheek. He got up from his bed and yawned silently, covering his mouth as he walked to his closet. He was ready to call it a day as well and sleep next to his boy.

Picking out new boxers, he stripped from his shirt and sweatpants before changing into the new, fresh pair of boxers. He turned off the lights, shut the door and winced as it emitted a small creak. Thankful that Nathaniel was a heavy sleeper, he tiptoed back to the bed and got in under the covers. 

"Goodnight, Nathaniel," Valentino whispered, turning towards the small boy and snaking his arm around his tiny waist, pulling him close until his back was touching his chest. The boy whined but sighed, cuddling closer. Valentino leaned in and kissed his forehead before smiling and shutting his eyes. 

He dreamt for the first time in years that night. He dreamt that Nathaniel was giggling, dragging him to a meadow, skipping with his eyes closed. He looked blissful, a huge grin on his face. "Hurry up!" He yelled, his voice sounding close but yet so far as well. A cloudy frame was fixated in Valentino's viewpoint, but he still wasn't aware that what he was seeing was a dream, not even from the obvious signs.

The meadow was filled with tall, lively grass and a few lilacs. The smell almost felt real, like Valentino could actually smell them as he ran through them. He knew he was laughing as well. A little waterfall began to come into view, the sound of water falling down and splashing echoing through the dream. 

"Let's swim," Nathaniel suggested, letting go of Valentino's hand. He ran close to the edge of the waterfall and began taking his shirt off. Valentino couldn't help but stare. He stripped out of his shorts, only in his little pale blue boxers. He turned around, waved at Valentino before diving head first daringly. 

Valentino yelled out his name, running to the edge of the waterfall before looking down, his heart beating when he didn't see his boy. Then, Nathaniel came out, giggling. "Come on! The water is lovely!" Valentino sighed in relief before stripping his clothes, putting them next to Nathaniel's. He then dived, the cold water hitting his body and waking his muscles up.

He came out, running his finger's through his wet curls. Oh God, Nathaniel looked beautiful. The water drops on his eyelashes made them appear longer than they were if that was possible. Some water drops dribbling down his pink lips and down his chin, his wet lips just begging for some attention. 

"You're so pretty, baby," Valentino whispered, his eyes flickering to his lips. A deep desire to catch those lips in his began to flow through his veins and got under his skin. He wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him closer. 

The two boys leaned in, their eyes fluttering shut when Valentino's eyes snapped open. He wasn't met with Nathaniel's lips, he was met with the dark and a quivering boy in his arms. He was cold and shaking, soft cries rippling through him. Nathaniel was sick. 

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