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The two ex-lovers entered the closed library, Nathaniel taking the key out from under the welcoming mat outside. The curtains were closed already, so no one would be able to peer inside. A sweet tune was playing inside, Mrs. Lavender probably had forgotten to shut it off before closing up.

Instantly, Nathaniel's dreamy eyes began to scan the library to look for an abditory. Maybe behind the shelves? No, that would be too obvious for a hiding spot. Under the table? What was he thinking? Behind the curtains? Nathaniel shook his head to rid himself of these juvenile thoughts.

A particular spot caught his eye; the stairs. Valentino hadn't seen the hidden staircase nor was he aware that the library had a second floor. With a gasp, Nathaniel giggled, Valentino, looking at him suspiciously. "What so funny?" He asked with a slight grin.

He looked at the eesome boy who sheepishly smiled, "Nothing. Shall we start?" "Already, kitten? Why I thought we were having fun here." Nathaniel rolled his eyes, suddenly oozing with confidence that he was going to win this round.

"I'm ready to start. What, scared?" He teased, smirking at the taller boy. Valentino towered over him, making him gulp, "I'd suggest you keep that pretty little mouth shut before I devour you." "No flirting, Valentino. Our love had been paused." "As you wish, little one. Why don't we change things up a little this round?" He suggested with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Say, I hide and you seek. Are you up for it?"

Nathaniel's blood ran cold as he began to sweat in sheer panic, "We didn't agree to that type of a game. I think we should stick to the original." Valentino was feeding off the boy's fright, "Let's compromise. The deal is; if you somehow win this round, there won't be another. But if you lose, we will have another round featuring the organization I suggested. Deal, pretty boy?"

Nathaniel snarled at him, trying to surpass the whimper that itched up his throat. He shook Valentino's hand and met his gaze, his battered heart beating against his ribcage rapidly. He just hoped that his hand wasn't as clammy as he thought it was.

"Deal, ugly man."  Valentino gasped, clutching the area on his shirt where it was right over his heart, making Nathaniel giggle. "I'm heartbroken! How ever will I win this way? You have broken my heart to pieces!" Nathaniel giggled, "Good! P-Payback."

"Are you sure that I'm not the most prepossessing man you've seen? The most vivacious, desirable?" Nathaniel blushed, knowing that it was true, but he hid his embarrassment by rolling his eyes. "A little modesty would suit you. Now turn around, we're starting the game. We can't keep postponing it like this."

Valentino's gaze hardened, "You're right, kitten. Good luck winning." Valentino smirked, winking slowly before turning around to face the wall. "I'm starting," he warned, Nathaniel waiting for the cue. "1, 2, 3.."

Nathaniel bolted towards the staircase as quietly as he could, trying to keep his breaths limited so he would make as less noise as he could. "17, 18..." Time was ticking fast and mercilessly, and he was beginning to feel frightened that his plan might not work. "24, 25, 26..."

Nathaniel artlessly walked up the stairs, almost baltering towards a shadowed bookcase, crumbling to the floor as he wheezed. "46, 47.." He had thirteen seconds left, to which he used to relax and breath, massaging his temple as a way to keep himself calm.

"58, 59, 60, ready or not, here I home," Valentino growled dominantly, his shoes beating against the wooden floor. The sound could be heard even from the second floor, which only increased Nathaniel's heart rate.

He heard the older boy move swiftly, daring to look behind every bookshelf located inside of the building. Well, on the first floor, that is. "Kitty, kitty, why don't you come out and show yourself?" Nathaniel rolled his eyes.

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