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Nathaniel was intently watching Valentino type away on his computer, his fingers moving fast. eyes glued to his bright screen as he huffed in frustration.

Nathaniel sipped his hot cocoa, sitting at the edge of a chair Valentino offered for him to sit down on. He was all warmed up, wearing Valentino's silky pajamas that made him feel like a posh, rich person.

The shirt was a little big on his frail body, dangling off his shoulders because of the size and soft, slippery material. This action was exposing his prominent collarbones that drove Valentino insane.

Trying not to avert his full attention on the small boy, he focused more on the email he had received about the company he owned, frustration filling up his insides as he typed furiously.

He had to retract an offer he had made because of the other company not being able to accept nor carry it upon its shoulders. It was a difficult job after all. He perused the email, scanning it over and over to let the information sink in.

"V-Valentino?" Nathaniel minced, lowered his cup of hot cocoa from his lips. Valentino looked up, a low growl erupting from his chest when his eyes landed on Nathaniel's collarbones and milky skin. "W-What are you doing?"

Valentino pushed himself away from his messy desk, rubbing his forehead as he sighed. "Answering some worthless emails about business." Nathaniel set the mug down, the impact making a little thump.

"Some feckless people are wasting my money and time," enlightened Valentino, glaring at the response he had written. "Do you want some help?" "No, kitten. You companying me is enough, thank you for your kind offer."

Valentino was a very diligent man and took his business seriously. Rubbing his jaw, he decided to repudiate the new offer the reckless man had offered.

Hitting "send", Valentino sighed, hoping that his response would solve the problem. Nathaniel was staring at his empty mug, wishing he could have another cup of hot cocoa.

"Would you like to play a game?" Nathaniel's eyes glimmered as his head shot up, his curls bouncing with the fast motion.

"What kind of game?" Watching his expression carefully, reading his emotions as excited and interested, Valentino leaned in. "A game of hide and seek."

Nathaniel sat there, shocked at the suggestion. "I'm sick, and it's very late." Valentino chuckled, "We'll do it in two days. How does that sound?" Nathaniel bit his lip, thinking about it.

"Oh, come on, kitten. Just a game of hide and seek. Nothing perilous about that, now, is there?"

Valentino asked tauntingly, a smirk on his lips. Nathaniel gulped, staring deep into Valentino's lustful eyes. "I..."

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