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Nathaniel worked and worked, scrubbing hard and furiously. Valentino watched his every action with sharp eyes, making sure that his boy was behaving well after his sudden outburst.

Every now and then, he would start coughing hysterically, startling Nathaniel.

But the worker refused to ask him if he was okay. Not after what he'd done to him that day. But still, he kept a close eye on him. Valentino was obviously still sick.

Again, he had started to cough, making Nathaniel jump at the sudden noise. He hunched over and coughed, obviously tired from it all. "Excuse me," he apologized after it.

"Am I distracting you?" Even his voice sounded like he was terribly sick. Nathaniel shook his head quietly, not knowing what to do.

"If you had stayed, then maybe Angela could've made you a warm tea. Pity," he spat out despite actually worrying about the older. Valentino was too dumb to catch on and simply nodded, "True. But I'm sure you can also make me one. Anything you make will be much better than what she can, I'm sure."

He then smiled warmly, rubbing the boy's back . "Why are you acting like this?" Nathaniel questioned coldly, looking at the piles of dirty dishes he was washing. "Like what?" "Like nothing happened. I know what you did with Angela."

Valentino's gaze hardened as he looked at the smaller boy. "What did I do with her?"

"You know what you did. You're just to much of a coward to tell me." Valentino snatched the plate out of his hand. "Tell me. What did I do with her?" When Nathaniel met his eyes, he knew he was done for."

"It was obvious the second you came out. Bruised lips, almost bleeding, messy hair and uniform, a smile on both your faces. What did you do with her, Val, you tell me. Because I think both of us already know," he hissed back, grabbing his plate back, ready to break it.

Valentino's face turned red, "You're accusing me of cheating, aren't you?" He got close to Nathaniel, daring him to say yes. "That's exactly what I'm accusing you of."

"What about her then, huh? Anything weird about her? Any lipstick smudges, bruised lips, messy hair or uniform, or any hickeys on her neck? Or did you only look at me?" Valentino questioned loudly. He was absolutely furious that his boyfriend had even thought about him cheating on him.

Nathaniel thought about he secretary's appearance. She hadn't looked as if she had come out of a make-out session.

In fact, she only looked smug and proud of herself. "If you think that I'd ever cheat on you, then I'm not sure you trust me enough, Nathaniel."

The smaller snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at the sad man, who's eyes were soft yet miserable.

"Haven't I given you enough reasons to trust me? Didn't I prove how much I love you? Is that still not enough that you doubt me so easily?"

Now Nathaniel was the one drowning in guilt. He was speechless and unable to form a proper sentence. "I-" He stopped himself, making the older wait in agony for a reply.

"Answer me."

But he couldn't even do that.

"I didn't know what to think. I woke up to an empty bed after such an intimate moment between us. I expected to stay in and have fun together, maybe enjoy a movie or something. But you were gone so soon and early. I felt empty and in need of love that I came to visit you. And when you came out like that, the first thing that came to my mind was that you were cheating."

Nathaniel's lips had turned pouty again, and his eyes bloodshot and glassy. Valentino had him caged between him and sink, staring deep into his eyes.

"You doubted my love for you, Nathaniel. I'm only sick, that's why I look like that. Angela is only my secretary, the reason why we were smiling was because I hired her and she was ecstatic because of that."

Nathaniel couldn't look him in the eye. If he did, he knew that he would start bawling his eyes out. "Look at me." He couldn't.

"Look at me, Nathaniel."

He did.

Valentino was crying, tears dripping down his cheeks in a fast pace, like how rain rolls down a car window in a smooth way, creating a trail for the other raindrops. "How could you think that, baby?" He asked, his voice cracking.

Nathaniel bit his lip harshly, breaking skin as his eyes teared up at the sight. "I was so scared when you said that you didn't want my love. I was terrified that I hurt you when I dropped you. And I was horrified when you slipped into your submissive mindset in such a situation."

He placed a palm on his cheek and caressed the younger's soft skin.

"I'm sorry for leaving early in the morning without much of an explanation. Next time something like this happens, we need to communicate without assuming false things, baby. Okay?" He spoke softly and slowly, making sure Nathaniel understood.

He nodded, "Okay."

"Now, I want you to meet Angela after work. She should tell you what we did also, if you're still hesitant." God, Nathaniel didn't want to follow through with that plan. The last thing he wanted was to see Angela. But alas, he nodded.

Valentino smiled and wiped his tears, opening his arms. "Come give me a hug, precious." Nathaniel dropped everything and hugged his love with all his might, hugging as tight as he could. Valentino kissed the crown of his head, rubbing his back in a soothing way.

"Let me help you with these dishes."

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