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The stars that scattered the night sly had grabbed Nathaniel's attention. They looked so wonderful. They gave him a sense of peace as he squeezed Valentino's hand. The pair had decided to lay down after walking for a few minutes.

Nathaniel's legs had begun to ache, and he wanted Valentino to slow down. His legs weren't as long as his, therefore he couldn't walk as fast and effortlessly as Valentino could. The older boy had suggested that they rested.

Nathaniel had spotted a calm spot underneath a willow tree, a place where they could lay down and watch the alluring starts above. When Valentino didn't refuse, Nathaniel grabbed his hand and dragged him to his new resting spot.

Valentino had his eyes fixated on the small boy. He didn't care to look at the stars, for the boy laying next to him was far more beautiful than any star that ever shined.

"Look at the stars!" Nathaniel said, pointing up at a large star, the lights reflecting in his eyes. His pupils were dilated, and a huge grin spread across his face.

"That one's my favorite!" He pointed to an isolated one, one that was the furthest away from the group. "Why?" Valentino asked, glancing at the star quickly.

"Because it's different than the rest." "What makes it so different?" Valentino's tone had turned into a hushed whisper. "Well obviously there must be something different about it. Why else would it be isolated from the rest?"

Valentino smiled, his thumb caressing the top of the boy's hand. "It's beautiful, baby," he said, turning his hand towards the sky to stare at them as well. They really were lovely. He wondered why he hadn't gone star gazing before.

Well of course. His boy was showing him things he had never seen before, a whole now perspective of the world. A better, calmer, more precise perspective. He liked it better than seeing it as a draconian world, where everything was about business and what-not.

When he turned his head back towards Nathaniel, he was shocked to see that his eyes were closed. His breathing was rhythmic and even, and it was apparent to Valentino that he had fallen asleep over time.

He chuckled, standing up slowly. He gathered the small boy into his arms and picked him up. Nathaniel snored softly, clinging to Valentino like a koala. He wrapped his arms around his neck and wrapped his legs around his torso.

"Oh, baby..." Valentino cooed softly, beginning to walk back to the car. He peered up at the sky one last time and smiled.

Once he got to the car, he unlocked in, softly put Nathaniel in the backseat and buckled him in, and then got in himself. He began to drive out of the parkway. During the ride home, he kept smiling and glancing at his baby, who was sleeping peacefully. Valetino made sure to drive slowly so he didn't wake up because of the bumpy ride.

It didn't take long for his house to come into view. Quickly parking, he got out of the car and picked Nathaniel up into his arms. The boy stirred and whined cutely, making the older boy rock him in his arms as he walked to the front gate.

He unlocked the door, slowly shut it behind him and without taking his shoes off, he went up the stairs. Nathaniel had begun to whine, rubbing his nose into Valentino's shoulder as he nuzzled into him. "You're so cute, baby," Valentino whispered.

He laid him down onto the bed as soon as he entered his bedroom. Taking off his clothes slowly, he began to adore the boy's beautiful body. His shirt was off and gently, Valentino removed his pants.

Nathaniel's eyes snapped open as he shrieked, trying to get away from Valentino. Valentino's heart sank as his boy began to cry and resist him. "Baby, calm down, I-" "No! Don't touch m-me!" Valentino stopped touching him, putting his arms up.

"Hey, I'm not touching you, okay? I was just putting you into new clothes, babe." Nathaniel sniffled, wrapping his arms around himself. "I'm s-sorry," he sobbed, ashamed that he felt scared that Valentino was doing something bad to him.

Valentino pulled him into a tight hug, kissing his cheek. "Nothing to be sorry for, kitten. I promise you, I won't ever touch you in a sexual way when you don't consent to it. I promise I won't hurt you." Nathaniel sniffled, nodding as he nuzzled into the boy.

"I promise."

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