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Valentino drove the two to another elegant restaurant where they could lounge for the remainder of the time they had. But Nathaniel began to whine as he saw the area Valentino was driving to. "What? Something wrong?" Valentino questioned, looking at the slouched boy through the rear mirror. "I wanted to show you a place where I used to eat with my friends a few years ago. Maybe relive some memories I had with them. I don't know, forget it."

Valentino stared at him for a moment, his jaw clenched. He licked his lips, looking back to see if any cars were present. When he saw that the coast was clear, he began to drive, taking a different route. "Where is this place you told me about?" He asked in his deep voice, driving fast and heedlessly. Nathaniel's eyes slowly widened, his lips parting as his head snapped towards the older. "R-Really?" Valentino only smirked, raising both eyebrows before lowering them quickly.

"My baby deserves it, don't you?" Nathaniel nodded hysterically, giggling in happiness. "T-Turn left from here and then go straight. It's only about ten minutes away." Valentino nodded, following his directions. "What's the place called?" "Bronze Hour." Valentino's lips twitched as he put his sunglasses on, "I know that place. Pretty cozy, isn't it?" 

Nathaniel grinned and nodded, his smile falling for a split second, "We have work tomorrow, will there be alcohol at the dinner?" Valentino nodded, "Fortunately, yes. My tolerance is really high, so I'm not worrying that much about myself, but you?" "I-I don't drink often." The older chuckled, slamming on the breaks, cursing at some person who almost led them to death by causing an accident. "MOTHERFUCKER, I'LL SLICE OPEN YOUR THROAT AND WATCH AS BLOOD SEEPS THROUGH." Nathaniel looked at him with wide eyes, absolutely shaken up. He then proceeded to stare straight, his eyes still wide as he contemplated his life choices in a minute. 

"You were saying?" Valentino grumbled, his lips pulled into a menacing snarl. "That was, um, very interesting to see. Quite graphic as well." Valentino raised an eyebrow, "I'm a mafia leader, kitten, what else did you expect?" "I mean, I don't know. But as I was saying, I don't drink often." A juvenile comment rose up Valentino's throat before he had a chance to stop it from bursting out, "I'll have to ask the bartender to fetch you some apple juice then, hm?" Nathaniel growled at him, his snarl disappearing as he was pet, Valentino cooing at him, "Now now, baby. Let's now growl at dadd-" "Oh, look, we're here!" 

Nathaniel hopped out of the car, continuing his everlasting session of rethinking his life and wondering where it all went wrong. He walked around the car, slowly walking towards the glass doors that seemed very familiar to him even after all these years. "This place didn't change at all," he said in wonder, looking around the front garden. The delicate red roses were the key decoration there, attracting the attention of people walking by. They were always tended to with care, watered, looked after. Nathaniel was shocked that they were still here.

"It's been two, three, how many years since you came here?" Valentino stood next to him as the boy admired the small restaurant. "It's been about seven years. We used to come here all the time." He ignored Valentino's confused expression, opening the door himself. He took in the scent of freshly baked bread and coffee that met him on his way inside. "Why didn't you come here again?" Nathaniel smiled at the floor shyly, keeping his gaze low, "I didn't have many people to come here with." 

Valentino didn't like where the conversation was heading, but he couldn't help but ask, "What about your friends, baby?" "It's been a while since I had any." Valentino's heart cracked for his boy, holding him close, just wanting to hold him and soothe him. He was shocked, to say the least. Who wouldn't want to be friends with such a beauty? No, scratch that, not only was he beautiful, he was ethereal, the kindest boy around. 

"Anybody who didn't want to be your friends missed out on the opportunity of their life," Valentino said as they sat down at a small table. "You really think so?" the latter asked with his big, doe-like eyes. "Of course. I'm the luckiest man to have met such a beauty like yourself." Nathaniel couldn't help but giggle at that.

Soon, a waitress took their orders, Valentino asked for some pumpkin soup and steak while Nathaniel stuck to a salad. "I'm saving it for the dessert," he whispered secretly. "Ah, the dessert. Of course, the best part," the older winked. 

"What desserts do they have here?" "Well, it has been a while since I came here. But last time I did, they had the most scrumptious banana split ever. God, it was heavenly." Nathaniel's eyes sparkled as he spoke about his favorite dessert. 

The two quickly had a conversation about the night that was waiting for them, and soon, their food had arrived. Despite ordering two things, Valentino finished before the smaller boy, watching the boy eat slowly. "Are you just going to watch me eat." "Yes. You remind me of a goa-" "Do not dare to finish that sentence or I swear to god I will-" 

"You will what?" Valentino smirked, knowing well that he was still the younger's boss as well as the dominant one in the relationship. "I'll kick you in the balls." Valentino's grin widened as if he was waiting for Nathaniel to threaten him. "I wouldn't advise you to do that. After all, I am your boss and so much more, am I right?" Nathaniel just gulped, his eyes wide with innocence which made Valentino coo at him. "Hm, baby?" He reached under the table, rubbing the unsuspecting boy's upper thigh. "Y-Yes, sir." Valentino just smiled and let go, asking for the waitress. 

"Can we order a banana split with two spoons?" 

Soon after the dessert was prepared, Valentino let Nathaniel get the first bite. He dug his spoon in, his eyes twinkling in happiness. "Go on, love." As soon as he had a taste, his tastebuds screamed in delight, his eyes going wide. "Wow! It tastes better than I remember. Have a try." He let Valentino have a taste, who shrugged his shoulders and nodded, "It's great, too sweet for my taste though." The smaller's jaw dropped, "Too sweet? It's godly! Just get out of my face, I can't look at you right now." Valentino could only laugh.

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