Chapter Fifty-Five

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Consensual Sexual Activity Ahead


The word rang in Valentino's ears, and before he knew it, Nathaniel had pulled him up by his arm and had jumped on him, wrapping his quivering legs around his waist, sobbing in pure happiness. Valentino was frozen for a moment before tightly holding his crying love, still not believing that he had accepted his proposal.

He had gone through extreme lengths to have organized this whole event. But the happiness he felt had made up for it entirely, without a doubt. He breathed in relief, kissing Nathaniel's head, who was chanting, "I love you so much, I love you so much," over and over again, almost as if trying to convince himself that this wasn't just a dream. If it was, it would be a cruel fucking joke.

"I love you too, Nathaniel, more than anything in this world." Nathaniel's grip loosened, so Valentino put him down, still holding onto his waist to secure the shaking boy. He looked up at the taller male through teary eyes, his pupils dilated. With one hand, he took the ring out of the holder and slid it onto his new fiance's finger, Nathaniel sobbing as he watched the moment he would never forget until he was six feet under.

"I-I don't have- I should've known and p-prepared... I-" He was silenced by being pulled in for a long-lasting kiss, one that was full of passion and love. Valentino let him breathe only when he felt his weak fist slightly hitting his shoulder, indicating that he needed to breathe.

"You can propose to me later if you really want to. But I wanted this night to be used as a way to show my love to you. There are other ways for you to do the same, different times. You shouldn't have known, I hid it too well. Besides, it was a surprise, baby. I wanted to do something you'd never forget because you're worth that to me, okay? Don't fret over it."

Nathaniel nodded, still admiring his beautiful and aesthetically pleasing ring. It shined mesmerizingly in the moonlight, as bright as the starts. He then decided on something. With enough trust and comfort, he knew that he was ready to give Valentino everything of his. He clutched Valentino's suit with his little fingers, looking down, embarrassed. The latter was only admiring his beautiful boy, wondering how he got so lucky, still not over the fact that he had actually said yes.

"L-let's go home?" The smaller asked, his eyes still teary. Valentino was alarmed at the sudden want to end their special night. If only he knew that it had just started.

"W-Why?" He asked, caught off guard. "Is something wrong? Are you bored? Are you hungry again? I made extras just for this occasion." Nathaniel giggled slightly, his heart hammering in his chest. He had never been more nervous in his life other than the time Valentino had broken into the library he was working at and initiated a game of hide and seek. But that's beside the point.

"I think... I think I'm ready to give you me. L-Like all of me," he whispered shyly, his cheeks painted red, and humiliation crawled up his neck. Valentino smirked, gripping the short boy's chin firmly, forcing him to look up and meet his gaze.

"Do you trust me enough to do that, kitten? Are you completely and one-hundred percent sure about this?" The flustered boy nodded, biting his lower lip. Valentino ran his thumb over his bottom lip, making Nathaniel let go of it. "Let's go then."

As Nathaniel had begun to walk towards the car, Valentino quickly scooped him into his arms, holding his baby boy tightly, his chest exploding with cheer. He grinned from ear to ear, showcasing his emotions through his expressions and action. He blew the candles out as to not cause any potential damage and carried Nathaniel to their car.

In the passenger's seat, Nathaniel watched as they drove away from their special place, a place he would always ask to come to on their anniversary in the future. Valentino drove fast but safely, not putting either of them into unnecessary danger. As Nathaniel thought about it, the more squirmy he got in his seat. Without noticing, his hand had crept down to his crouch, now slightly rubbing himself through his pants.

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