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Warning: Mature Content
Driving home had never been filled with more tension before. Nathaniel fidgeted in his seat, his legs pressed together as he thought about his punishment.

What would it be like? What was Valentino's plan? Knowing him, Nathaniel knew that it wasn't something pure and innocent like taking away technological privileges or being grounded. Oh, no. He knew that a big storm was coming his way, and the only thing he could do was to assuage his nervousness.

Valentino wouldn't speak to him either. His hands were gripping the driving wheel roughly, his eyes piercing as he stared at the road in front of him. His jaw was clenched, teeth gritted. Nathaniel eyed him from the side, watching his reaction and reading his expression, biting his lower lip in anticipation.

Not only was he nervous, but he was also stressed. He wiped his clammy hands onto his thighs and slowly reached out to one of Valentino's hands when he began driving with one hand, calmer as he thought of his boy's punishment.

Was he angry? Furious. What was he going to? Something Nathaniel wouldn't and couldn't expect. Would he hurt Nathaniel? Never.

Nathaniel blinked a few times, making sure his puppy dog eyes would be ready if he had to use them under the worst circumstances. He slowly slid his hands into Valentino's, intertwining his fingers with him.

Valentino clenched his jaw harder and spoke, "Let go." Nathaniel felt like a stranger at that moment. Did he actually think that Nathaniel was the one who kissed Lucas and not the other way around? "I didn't-" "Stop talking, Nathaniel."

The smaller shrugged silently. He would just have to use his special weapon. He breathed in and stared out the window without blinking, his eyes watering naturally.

He then added his little sniffles, ones that he knew broke the older's heart. "Stop it, Nathaniel. I know what you're doing. Your cries don't compare to how I felt when I saw you kiss that bastard." Nathaniel huffed, still not letting go. "I didn't kiss him." Valentino didn't say anything.


Nathaniel cried out when Valentino threw him onto their bed, the boy bouncing slightly from the impact. Valentino ignored him as usual and locked his door, stepping towards the bed. Nathaniel gulped and scrambled to get away, adrenaline pumping through his veins. His back had hit the wall when he stopped moving.

Valentino crouched down, looking into Nathaniel's eyes as he pulled out a box from underneath the bed. It wasn't that big, but it was very fancy, with golden swirls and glittery decorations. Valentino opened the box, taking out a blindfold, a strap with a ball, a vibrator and another toy which Nathaniel had never seen before.

Nathaniel eyes the toys, his eyes wide and mouth wide open. "I-" "Strip," Valentino demanded, his darkened eyes watching his boy sit up on his knees. Nathaniel shook his head, biting his lip. "N-No, I-" "I won't repeat myself again." The smaller boy swallowed the lump in his throat and removed his shirt with shaking hands.

He began to remove his pants as well, thinking, "No, no, no, no." He trusted Valentino to stop if he wanted him to, but at that point, he knew that he was furious. He wanted his first time to be soft and gentle lovemaking. He had his pants off, leaving him in his boxers.

"On all fours." Nathaniel didn't move. Instead, he shook his head, pouting slightly. Valentino slapped his thigh as a warning. "Move it." "D-Don't wanna," he whimpered, tears filling his eyes. Valentino's heart softened slightly. "D-Don't want my first t-time like this.."

Nathaniel sniffled, letting out little whines which indicated him about to cry. "We're not having sex, lovely. This is just a punishment. You set the pace, hm?" He softened, offering him a hug, which Nathaniel accepted. "Now," he said, kissing his forehead. "Get on all fours. Ass up, face down."

Nathaniel hesitated. "You need to trust me, baby. You know that I would never hurt you." He nodded, obliging and getting into position. "Good boy." Valentino rubbed his cheek then lifted his hand off, giving him a smack, the smaller squealing in surprise.


"O-One." Valentino rubbed his ass again, kissing his back before giving him another smack, this one harder. The boxers prevented him from seeing his handprints, so he dragged them down, Nathaniel tensing. "Is this okay?" He asked him softly. "Y-Yes," Nathaniel consented, feeling himself growing hard from his punishment.

After giving him fifteen spanks, Valentino leaned back to admire his artwork. Nathaniel's pale skin was tainted, decorated with red handprints, looking delicious. "Are you okay, baby boy?" Nathaniel nodded, his eyes glassy. He was too far gone to reply verbally.

"Need me to stop?" He shook his head. "Alright. You have five more. Is that okay?" He nodded, bracing himself. "Such a good boy." He smacked him again, soothing the skin right after. Valentino made sure not to hit that hard. Another smack. Another one. Another.

Valentino gave him his last spank, pulling him onto his arms right after. "You're such a good baby boy. Took your spanking so well." "I didn't k-kiss him." Valentino studied his face, trying to find any signs of lying. When he couldn't, he smiled, "Of course you wouldn't. You're just a little angel."

Nathaniel could only sniffle and smile a little. "I'll give you some cream first before we continue. Need anything? Chocolate, water?" The younger shook his head. "C-Cream, please."

Valentino reached over and grabbed him some soothing cream, having him lay on his stomach as he rubbed it into his skin. "Everything okay now?" Nathaniel giggled and nodded, "I'm okay." Valentino leaned in, giving the naked boy a kiss. "My lovely boy."

Question: What kinks do you want involved in Nathaniel and Valentino's actual mature scene?

Also, is anybody having trouble logging into their accounts on your computer? I can't log back in, it says that my password is wrong even if it isn't. Many are having this problem...

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