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The next day, when the sun had already risen up to the sky, erupting a blooming shade of pink and orange, Nathaniel groaned, rubbing his face onto his pillow, feeling his body wake up. He really didn't want to. But he knew he had work to attend to, people to serve. With all the strength he could muster, he rolled onto a sitting position, rubbing his eyes and yawning. 

He slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times to gain better vision. In the morning, his vision would always be blurry, much to his distaste. He looked around the bedroom, staring at the empty spot next to him in which Valentino's body shape was, the wrinkles indicating that he had in fact slept next to the small boy.

Nathaniel's face burned at the thought of sleeping with the handsome boy. He stood up, trying to see if he was still home. Maybe they could eat their breakfast together. With hopeful eyes, he stood up, hurrying to get changed into appropriate clothing. 

Pulling on a plain red shirt and some sweatpants, he trudged to the bathroom, did he business, washed his face and hands after that. He searched for an unopened, new toothbrush, surprised to see that there was not one, but an abundant amount of them under the sink. 

He brushed his teeth, looking at himself in the mirror in disgust. Nathaniel always thought he looked somewhat odd in the mornings, but usually, he brushed it off. He had never paid much attention to how he looked anyway. 

Nathaniel stepped into the kitchen with a beaming smile which fell when he saw that the room was empty, dirty dishes in the sink, waiting to be cleaned. He frowned. Valentino had already left from the looks of it. In pure and utter misery, he stomped over to the fridge, taking out a gallon of milk. He slammed it shut, then muttered an apology under his breath when the fridge shook. 

He poured himself some Lucky Charms, eating it grumpily. His mood was already spoiled and it was only the morning. Today was destined to be an unfortunate day. He just knew it. 

After eating half of his delicious cereal, Nathaniel washed his own dishes, glaring at Valentino's plate that was covered in egg yolk. He had eaten a sunny side up egg and a vegetable smoothie. Nathaniel didn't touch his, making sure that Valentino knew he was upset. A simple "I'm leaving," note would've been appreciated. 

Nathaniel grabbed his bag, putting his phone and wallet inside it before putting his converse shoes on, forgetting to tie them before he slammed the apartment door shut, grumbling to himself. He then walked down a certain amount of stairs, a permanent frown on his face as he exited the building, the security guard wondering who had pissed in Nathaniel's cereal. 

Nathaniel ran to catch the bus, which had driven past him. He ran, yelling after it to stop, but it didn't, people around him looking at him in surprise. See? He had already figured that that day would be absolutely horrible. 

The honk of a car made him jump, whipping around to face Valentino's car. "Get in, Nathaniel."  

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