Twenty Five

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With a flushed face, Nathaniel lowered his body into the water, playing with the warm substance, waiting for the older boy to join him. His body was smooth and petite, as white as milk, as flawless as a porcelain doll. Valentino watched the small boy try and look away as he stepped closer. Nathaniel made a quick attempt to try and cover his body as much as he can, Valentino growling. 

"Stop that," he demanded, standing still as he eyed Nathaniel putting his arms away. "S-Sorry." The older boy lifted his leg, stepping into the hot tub, sitting down. "Don't hide your body from me, Nathaniel," he said, eyes boring into the blue crystals Nathaniel possessed.

"Why?" "Because you're beautiful, little one."

Nathaniel hid his blushing face with his hands, his curls slightly damp, water drops covering his flawless skin. "Baby," Valentino began, turning the tap on, trying to pick the color of the bubbles he wanted. "What color?" He questioned, Nathaniel, replying with, "Purple." "No purple, Nathaniel. Just pink, blue, dark blue, and normal. " Nathaniel pointed at the pink colored container. "Pink please." 

Valentino smiled, pouring it in, the scent of sweet strawberries filling the bathroom quickly. Nathaniel giggled, the bath filling with bubbles quickly. He scooped some up, putting them on his chin, visualizing himself to look like Santa Clause. He accidentally inhaled when laughing, inhaling in the bubbles as well which sent him directly into a coughing fit.

Valentino laughed loudly, his face becoming red as Nathaniel coughed. The suffocating boy pouted, managing to stay alive after such a traumatic event. "I could've died, and you're laughing. Ha ha," he said, crossing his arms over his chest and frowning, his lower lip jutted out. 

"If you don't put that lip where it belongs, I won't hesitate to bite it." Nathaniel blinked, putting his lip back. "You're so kinky," he blurted out, trying to stop the word vomit from spilling. He was a tad bit late though. Valentino smirked, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to the boy's neck. "You haven't seen nothing, baby boy."

The smaller boy looked down, his long eyelashes grazing his cheekbones slightly. "What are we?" He asked hesitantly. He was scared of hearing his response, but he wasn't going to be someone's toy. Not again. Never again. 

"What do you want us to be?" Of course. The trick question slamming down onto the table. It was a trap. "What do YOU want us to be?" Trying to block and avoid the question wasn't working. "I asked first, kitten. I deserve an answer first." 

Nathaniel was officially trapped. He looked down, fiddling with his hands. "I-I... I don't wanna be hurt." Valentino's mind wandered elsewhere. He thought about the asshole could've hurt such a precious boy. "I won't hurt you, Nathaniel. I'll always be the one to save you, whether it be major things or minor. You can count on me, kitten." 

"M-My turn. Answer my question. What do you want to be?" Nathaniel definitely hadn't ignored the boy's statement. In fact, it had caused butterflies to erupt in his stomach. "Definitely more than friends. Or more than boss and employee." Nathaniel beamed up at the boy, his eyes sparkling. "R-Really?" "Ever since I cornered you in that library, I knew that I would grow more attached to you than I should. Too late, it seems."

He was right. Nathaniel's baby blue eyes that were full of innocence and purity had pulled him in from the first second. And he wasn't complaining. Not one bit. Instead, he was more than thankful to have fallen for a kitten. 

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