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Valentino froze, clenching his jaw at the thought of going into a hot tub with Nathaniel. He shut his eyes, taking in a deep breath as his imagination ran wild.

"Nathaniel..." he began, opening his eyes to look into the smaller boy's beautiful blue eyes, only to freeze once again. Nathaniel was pouting, his pretty pink puts jutted out to display an adorable masterpiece, his eyes wide and innocent yet so sly and convincing.

The man put his hands on his hips, sighing, "I should have some swimming suits somewhere here. If it doesn't fit you, then no." Nathaniel whined, knitting his eyebrows. "I said no," Valentino growled, his voice draconian and oozing with dominance. There was no way to win against him so Nathaniel surrendered. "O-Okay."

Valentino exited the room, searching for two swimming suits, one that was abnormally small so it would fit the petite boy.

When rummaging through his closet, Valentino found his four-year-old trunk. It was a little red trunk, one that would suit the boy's blonde locks. Valentino grabbed it, changing into his dark purple swimwear and returning to the bathroom where Nathaniel was waiting patiently.

He handed it over, Nathaniel smiling as he took it thankfully, blushing when Valentino took his robe off, displaying his god-like body. He was definitely tan, tattoos decorating his smooth body, an evident six-pack outlining his torso.

His arms were muscular, unlike Nathaniel's thin, noodle-like arms that were too frail to even support him during as something as simple as a push-up.

Valentino noticed that Nathaniel had stared a few seconds too long, the boy's cheeks coated with a blush as he looked down. Nathaniel then began taking off his own robe, the older boy's eyes widening as he quickly paused his actions.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?" Nathaniel gave him a perplexed look. "Changing." "Here?" "Where else?" "Somewhere private."

Nathaniel shook his head, resuming as he untied his
robe. "We're both boys. It shouldn't matter." Valentino's eyes darkened as he gritted his teeth.

"Are you doing this on purpose, Nathaniel?" Nathaniel stopped, his face heating up as he gulped. "W-What do you mean?" He braced himself for an impact, maybe a punch to the face for acting so inhumane, so revolting.

Maybe he had let off too much, had shown too many signs. His secret was going to be out before he even had the chance to come out of the closet.

Instead, he was pushed to the wall, gasping as his back hit the cold wall, Valentino caging him between his hands, his face dangerously close. "Giving me those innocent eyes, asking me to bathe with you, stripping in front of me! Are you trying to kill me?" His dark eyes swirled with lust.

Nathaniel flinched, tearing up, assuming that because of his tone, the older boy was furious. "S-Sorry. I-I won't do it again." He had his lips quivering, hands shaking beside him, obviously nervous as butterflies exploded in his stomach.

Expect the unexpected, they say. But this wasn't unexpected. This was downright romantic-movie bullshit.

What Nathaniel thought coming wasn't a soft kiss to the neck, it wasn't a slap to the cheek, a punch to the nose, a kick to the stomach. Anything but a kiss. A small, chaste kiss, one followed after the other. Nathaniel's breath hitched, eyes fluttering shut as he tilted his head back to allow more access.

"So sweet," Valentino murmured, his left hand snaking down to Nathaniel's waist, holding it tightly and possessively. He left little love bites here and there, leaving Nathaniel breathless.

The small boy wanted more, needed more from his lips. He couldn't do it himself, too shy to initiate it. He had to take the tantalizing torture, the chaste kisses not enough to fully satisfy him.

Valentino wasn't able to hold back anymore. He wanted to devour the little boy, use him, slam him against a wall, make him cry in the best way, but also wanting to shower him with love and kisses and soft cuddles.

"V-Va-" "Hm?" The boy murmured, his hum vibrating against Nathaniel's neck. "I-I-" The boy stopped, giving Nathaniel his full attention just in case he wanted to stop, his thumb rubbing circles into his hips. "What do you want, baby boy?"

Nathaniel felt as if he was about to melt into a thumb. "M-More," he said shyly. "Enlighten me, please, kitten. I can't seem to understand what you're indicating." The smirk on his lips told Nathaniel that he did in fact know, but he wasn't going to give it to him so quickly.

"A-A kiss." Valentino leaned in, acting as if he was about to kiss him only to press his lips against Nathaniel's soft cheek. "There. All better?" The boy caged between him and the wall was panting, face red, eyes droopy. "N-No. I want-" "If you want it so bad, do it yourself then. Kiss me."

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