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The next day rolled in slowly and gradually until the blaring of Nathaniel's set-up alarm clock began to ring. The irritating music startled the smaller of the two boys. Nathaniel squeaked shyly after he opened his eyes, coming face to face with a strong and toned chest. 

He tried to squirm and thrash out of Valentino's death-grip, but the older boy's grip only tightened. His body was like a heater, warm and cozy. He seemed unfazed by the alarm's music and remained asleep, even snoring a little. 

"V-Val," Nathaniel said softly, lightly pushing at his chest. The wall-like boy didn't budge. "W-Wake up," he said more loudly, whimpering when he felt the urge to soothe his bladder. He sighed, grabbing Valentino's finger and biting it. 

"HEY!" The older boy yelled, his eyes snapping open, coming in contact with beautiful scenery. His little boy with his finger between his plump lips was a sight to see, his mozzofiato, doe eyes peering up at him. Nathaniel quickly turned off the alarm, taking Valentino's shock as an opportunity.

"I can explain," Nathaniel hurried, eyes wide with panic as he tried to explain himself. But unfortunately, before he could, Valentino smirked at him, his lips attached to his neck in a matter of seconds. 

"If you wanted to act naughty early in the morning, you could've just said so." Nathaniel pushed him away, his face boiling hot and red as he stood up. "I-I need to use the bathroom." Then he dashed into the other room, did his business and relief, then washed his hands and face. 

He looked at himself in the mirror, cringing slightly before smiling. He knew his love wasn't ephemeral nor was it temporary, like a mere fling. He never had flings because he never had many boyfriends before. His viridity always got in the way, his naive, gullible persona. His constant need to fall into the hands of someone manipulative, toxic, too controlling in a way that blew it out of proportion.  

He shrieked when the door flung open, revealing a messy boy rubbing his eyes. "Come back to bed," he croaked in a hoarse yet husky voice that sent chills down Nathaniel's spine and wobbled his knees. "I-I have work." "No, you don't," resorted Valentino with a blank expression. "Yes, I do." 

"It's Saturday, you doofus. Now come back to bed and cuddle me. Right now." Nathaniel was shocked and slightly sad that he was woken up at seven in the morning. "If you don't get in in the next three seconds, I will punish you."

Nathaniel fled to the bed, running in and jumping before Valentino could even begin counting. "You aren't spanking me and that's final." "Are you sure about that?" "Yes." "We'll see," Valentino snorted as he walked back to bed. "Come here, baby," he said in a hushed tone, climbing into bed and extending his arms. Nathaniel crawled to him, nuzzling into him like a little kitten, tangling his legs with his as he felt his bare skin. 

"You better start thinking of your wishes, baby. I'm taking you out today." Nathaniel smiled, nodding into his chest. "I'm going to sleep again. M'tired," the smaller boy murmured, yawning as he stretched his arms outward, careful not to accidentally punch Valentino in the face. Valentino nodded slowly as he began to cafune Nathaniel's hair to help him sleep better and fast. 

"Sleep tight, love."

When Nathaniel woke up, he felt tristful instantly. He was filled with melancholy, looking at the empty bed that seemed to be missing something; heat and Valentino. With a little mewl that seemed too long for the boy, he stood up, rubbing his eyes. His curls looked like a bird's nest; messy and untamable for the time being. It needed some dedicated time and professional help from a brush perhaps. 

"Val?" He called out, hoping for a yell back, a signal that he was in there with him. He whimpered to himself, walking out the room and looking around the living room. "Valentino?" He asked again, this time louder and more hopeful, only to be let down. He was worried. Why wasn't he home? Where had he gone to? When was he returning?

The sweet smell of chocolate chip pancakes filled the room and before he knew it, he was running to the kitchen, almost falling over in complete and utter shock. The entire kitchen was decorated with crimson rose petals, as red as dripping blood, as fresh as the flowers on a steep meadow. The eesome sight was enough to make the poor boy faint as he read the letters the petals were spelling out.


With tearful eyes and a hand covering his agape mouth, he met Valentino's gaze. His hands were violently shaking and no matter what he did he knew he wouldn't be able to calm his thundering heart, his boiling blood that coursed through his veins. He was speechless, no words able to come out of his mouth. Instead, the boy that prepared this gift, this surprise for him began to speak. 

"I love you, Nathaniel. God, it's been almost seven months since you began working for me since the day I cornered you in your little library and scared the living shit out of you. If I could go back, I wouldn't change a single thing. Growing up, I actually assumed that I was incapable of love, so I slept around, had many toys and flings that I tossed around. At first, in theory, you were supposed to join that category, but it took only a day of working with me to change that. 

You're the little weak spot in my heart, the only living thing I would go soft for. Because you mean the world to me and I'm not overexaggerating in any way. You're the most beautiful boy, the kindest, selfless person I've ever known. And trust me, I know a lot of people I'd do anything for you. Not only is this an apology, but it's also a confession, kitten." 

The little waver in Valentino's voice moved Nathaniel's huge heart. Before he knew it, he was sobbing hysterically, hiccuping as he moaned out for Valentino to hold him. The older boy knowingly stepped close, not expecting Nathaniel to jump on his and wrap around him like a koala bear, his legs unmovable. 

"I-I L-LOVE YOU TOO!" He cried loudly, tears of pure happiness that he was finally able to, allowed to reach flowing through him, joining his blood. Valentino hugged him tightly, burying his nose into his messy curls as he cuddled his boy. He rubbed Nathaniel's back as he cried and cried, clutching Valentino's hair tightly. Taking him to the living room, he sat down onto the sofa and pulled his boy onto his lap.

"Hey, baby. No more crying, alright? I hate seeing you cry." Nathaniel looked at him with his vivacious eyes that were bloodshot and puffy after crying his eyes out so early in the morning. Not only was he prepared, but he was also extremely sleepy before he saw his surprise. He nodded, wrapping his arms around his neck. "T-Thank you for everything," he said, his voice cracking as he teared up again. Valentino smiled, chuckling as he leaned in to kiss his face, peppering little chaste kissing along any piece of skin he faces located on Nathaniel's face.

"Thank you for coming into my life. Remember; you're my little boy and you're definitely my little prince. Sounds good?" Nathaniel nodded, bouncing excitedly. "And I'm going to spoil the fuck out of you today. So don't hold back, wish for anything you want and it's yours." 

Nathaniel hummed as he thought of any possession he wanted but didn't have. Thankfully, he had everything he wanted. "I want to see a ballet show, or maybe a musical, whatever's available for tickets. That's my first wish," he said happily, grinning. 

Valentino nodded, "What else?" "I don't know yet..." admitted Nathaniel shyly. "That's okay. You can save them for later. But for now, I suggest we go online and take a look at those tickets you seem to need to have to go to a musical." Nathaniel pouted, "or a ballet," he added. "What if both are available?" 

Nathaniel pouted once more, performing his ultimate trick; the puppy dog eyes. "W-Well, I really want to go to both. But if it's too much of a hassle..." "Huh? What was that? I was too busy purchasing your musical tickets for tonight and ballet tickets for tomorrow night at exactly eight at night." Valentino looked up from the computer to a smirking Nathaniel. 

"I spoil you too much." "I'm just too cute to resist." "That's true, gotta admit." 

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