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There was a sudden change of plans. Valentino got a call from Jackson, telling him that one of their captives had run away.

Luckily, Jackson and Ghost had managed to capture him again and had bound him to the to their electric chair located in their torture chamber beneath Valentino's company. Now, how to explain that to Nathaniel?

Nathaniel had been washing the remainder of his dishes, totally unbothered when he felt Valentino's stare at the back of his neck.

He turned around with a raised eyebrow and asked, "What's your deal?" Valentino sighed, rubbing the back of his neck after taking off his rubber gloves (which didn't suit his appearance at all).

"Babe, duty calls. I'll drop you off at the company and have you meet Angela on your own with one of my colleagues. I have to go and handle a problem downstairs." He lied straight through his teeth, looking at his diamond Rolex for the time.

"If that's okay, we need to go now. I don't want to be late." Nathaniel didn't complain about it. He finished washing two more plates and took off his gloves, nodding.

The drive there was very awkward and silent. Valentino knew that the boy next to him was disappointed. The tension basically wavered in the air and created awkwardness between the two.

He didn't like it, especially not after the fight they had. But it was hard to concentrate on the road when Nathaniel kept quiet and radiated steaming hot anger directed towards him.

"Baby," he spoke carefully. He only received a grumble in return. "I'm sorry. I know that I need to support you right now, especially after the incident back in the staff room. But you know how things are; I'm part of the mafia. When Jackson calls, I go and handle whatever is bugging and threatening my work. Otherwise, how can I spoil you?"

Nathaniel rolled his eyes. Without answering his question, he replied with a question of his own, "What's the problem, by the way. What did he want you to handle?"

Valentino's eyes glimmered. He knew that this question was coming. With a smirk, he said, "Rats. We have rats down in the basement. I need to fix that problem and organize a meeting with another person after that."

"Oh," was the only thing Nathaniel said.


Eren, a shy, cute boy around the ages of twenty-four was assigned to assist the mafia's baby boy at his meeting with Angela.

The wicked witch sat across from the blonde, her sharp, newly painted nails hitting the wooden desk in a hypnotizing pace. She twirled her curls around her finger and watched the boy she felt wasn't superior or relevant.

"So, Samuel, what's your profession, darling?" She asked soothingly. Her voice was endearing, sweet and soft like honey. But her eyes bored into Nathaniel's baby blue ones, frightening him and the assistant sitting next to him.

Nathaniel really didn't want to talk about work. He knew that him being a waiter was pathetic compared to Valentino's profession, but it was what it was.

"I work at one of Valentino's restaurants. And my name isn't Sa-" "Oo, as a chef?" He swallowed. "No, as a waiter."

Angela let out the ugliest, most hypocritical laugh Nathaniel and Eren both had ever heard in their lives. It sounded like a pig choking on its own crap.

"A-A WAITER?!" She wiped away her tears and calmed herself down, clutching her stomach. "Valentino Amore, the biggest businessman I know, is dating a WAITER?"

Meanwhile, her laugher had blocked out Gregor Krums agonizing screams as his pinky was torn off his hand.

At the basement of the large building Valentino worked at, the floor at the bottom of the building, where rats and undiscovered insects lived, a man was experiencing the pain of his life.

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