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After another day spent at work, Nathaniel neatly folded his uniform, putting it away into his lockable locker. He was wary, knowing that the mafia was right outside the changing room, awaiting him.

The two days had gone by in a flash, one spent resting, one spent working. He wanted to turn down the offer, alarmed slightly. He was scared about the thought of playing the supposedly innocent game.

Valentino had told him that they would bet on something before they started each round. A gentle knock made him jolt in surprise, his head thundering inside of his protecting ribcages. "Nathaniel," the impatient man boomed, "hurry up!"

Nathaniel scrambled to collect himself, gather his thoughts and putting them away. He was free of them as he opened the door, bowing his head apologetically. "Sorry, sir," he murmured. "Whatever." It was evident that Valentino was in a sour mood, acting draconian and certainly not placid.

"Let's go, kitten." He softened, softly grabbing Nathaniel's elbow and guiding him to the car outside, Zaire and Jackson leaning on it. "Where're we going?" Questioned Nathaniel as he was forced into the luxury car, not that he was complaining. He was exhausted, looking outside at the people outside with a look of sleepiness portrayed on his face.

Valentino took his time answering, his legs crossed as he clenched his jaw. "Somewhere that doesn't concern you." Nathaniel looked at him with a hurt look, using his precious puppy-dog eyes to hypnotize the boy.

Valentino tried to avoid the adorable look but found himself being sucked in. "Let's just say that it's a place you're familiar with." Nathaniel leaned back in his seat, huffing and pouting, arms crossed over in frustration. He really wanted to know where they were going since he was inquiring and curious. Not only was he merely those, but he was also apprehensive.

Nathaniel hadn't even realized that he had fallen asleep, the bright light of the streetlight and stars above illuminating his small face, his long eyelashes that matted together appearing long and thick, grazing his upper cheekbones. Valentino tilted his head to stare at the bundle of joy, a small smile playing on his thick lips.

Jackson was driving the car dangerously fast, taking a huge risk. He was amused by it though, a sick grin appearing on his face as he sped up even more. Before he knew it, he came to a halt, parking the car in the worst place possible.

Zaire grumbled, stepping out of the car, the slam of the door being shut waking Nathaniel up, startling him. His vision focused on Valentino, who was all up in his face. "We're here, kitten."

Nathaniel looked outside, familiar with the building that he used to work at. They were at the library, looking lonely and dark at the closing times. It was late, way past the time it closed. Zaire had already made sure that nobody was taking a shift that night, so it was available to play at.

Nathaniel scooted closer to the door, accepting Valentino's helping his, perching himself up, looking around with wide eyes. His pupils were dilated, not used to waking up after his power nap.

He was insatiable when it came to naps, never wanting to wake up and start his day. Ironically, he wasn't feeling at all powerful. He felt like a prey with the looks Valentino was shooting at him, full of malice and tantalizing expressions.

The four made their way over to the door, Zaire cooly swiping his hand underneath the welcoming matt, revealing the hidden key. Not even Nathaniel knew where the pathetic hiding spot was. Now he did.

Zaire unlocked the door, keeping the door open for everybody to enter and settle in. Valentino was the last to enter, sending Zaire a huge smirk. Everything was going according to their genius plan, everything settling into place.

Zaire was a laconic yet heedless boy, very quiet and only speaking when spoken to. Despite his soul-shattering past he shared with Jackson, he was taken right under Valentino's wings, the older boy helping the two cope. Unlike Jackson though, he wasn't a raucous boy.

Following after the three, Zaire locked the door behind them, drawing the curtains even more to hide from plain sight. He hid the key in his pocket, signalling Valentino, who nodded sternly. "Alright, kitten. Here are the rules."

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