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The next morning when his alarm rang, Nathaniel rolled over, expecting to cuddle up next to his boyfriend, but was met with the empty side of the bed.

His eyes shot open and darted to the empty space next to him, a whine escaping his throat. He forced himself up on his elbows, looking around the room with dazed eyes.

He coughed a little before swinging his bare legs over his fluffy bed and tried to balance himself, his limbs heavy from sleep. He wrapped a soft blanket around his nude body.

His lower regions were still sensitive from last night, but he managed to walk to the kitchen, expecting to see his boyfriend. Much to his dismay, he was nowhere to be found.

Pouting, Nathaniel yelled his name, assuming that he was in the bathroom and expecting a response back until he saw a note placed on the kitchen counter. Even from afar, he could see that it was Valentino's neat and fancy handwriting on the little note.

With a frown, Nathaniel grabbed the note, rubbing his eyes before reading the note.

Good morning, pretty boy. I can practically see the frown on your face as I'm writing this. You're probably mad at me for leaving you alone after our special night, hm? I'm sorry, Nathaniel, I promise to make it up to you once I get back.

I've gone to work to meet my new secretary. A nice lady wanted to sign up for the job. I'll be back before your lunch break, okay? Now get your cute ass up and run before you miss the bus.

I love you, baby.

His note didn't provide a signed name, but it didn't one. With a larger frown and a deeper pout, Nathaniel dropped his blanket and stuck his tongue out at the note.

Secretary, huh? He thought bitterly, hurrying to make himself some coffee with extra milk and sugar.

As his coffee was being made, he ran back to his room and dressed in pajamas, a white shirt, and black pajama bottoms. He was going to change when he got to work anyways.

He drank his coffee as he continued frowning, mumbling a small, "Daddy," under his breath. He blushed at the memories from last night but continued to have his coffee.

He wasn't hungry to eat anything else and figured that he would just eat a big lunch with Valentino. Smiling softly at the thought, he put away his empty mug and grabbed his phone.

Nathaniel checked everything and made sure to not forget anything and walked to the front door, exiting it.

He was still angry at Valentino for making him catch the bus, which made him realize how spoiled he was becoming as he spent time with his rich significant other. He bit his lip, scolding himself for thinking such inconsiderate and selfish thoughts.

He took the bus and even slept a little, drool appearing on the corner of his mouth, his head too heavy for him to support it.

He slept until the lady sitting next to him nudged him with a smile, telling him that he had reached his destination.

He thanked her profusely for telling him, again scolding himself for falling asleep. What if he had missed his destination?

Realizing how lucky he was, Nathaniel hopped off the bus and breathed deeply, inhaling the clean air and giving himself a pat on the back, cheering himself on and telling himself that today would be a good day.

He then entered La Rose, trudging to the door that read 'STAFF ONLY' in big bold letters.

He changed into his work clothes, groaning when be felt the same tightness in his lower regions. He was suspicious that he had gained weight, but he didn't feel any heavier than he already had.

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