Twenty Seven

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"There's nothing to wear!" Nathaniel cried, rummaging through his almost empty closet. He had accepted Valentino's proposal and was currently trying to find the perfect outfit. He didn't want to look too fancy, but he also didn't want to dress underdressed. It needed to be perfect.

"UH!" He groaned, looking around the room. His small bedroom was a mess, clothes scattered across the floor. It looked a complete mayhem had broken out. He sat on the floor, stressing out about something as simple as an outfit.

He was already self-conscious. Whenever he was with Valentino, he would compare himself to him. He felt shocked that such a handsome man was taking interest in someone way out of his league. 

Then, he suddenly saw it. Some black jeans and a dark blue sweater. The sweater would definitely bring out his eyes. It was a very beautiful color.  With a squeal, he put it on, quickly looking into the mirror. He gasped. 

Nathaniel actually looked... decent for once. The sweater complimented his eyes, their magnificent and breathtaking shade even more evident now. His pants outlined his legs perfectly, wrapping them around his short and slender legs, making them appear longer and more desirable. Perfect, he thought. 

Grabbing a small backpack and stuffing a book, some money, his phone, charger, and earphones in, he walked to the front door, sighing loudly. He wanted this date to go perfectly and according to plan. 

He stepped out the door, smoothing his sweater as he began to watch in the cold weather. He had forgotten his jacket, so he was forced to stand still in the cold weather. He felt his phone vibrate through his bag. He unzipped his backpack, taking his phone out. It was a text from Valentino.

"Hey, baby. I'll be there in ten. See you!" Nathaniel smiled, hugging himself for warmth. He tapped his foot, texting him a reply with his freezing fingers. "Take your time :)"

He didn't want Valentino to rush. So he forced himself to endure the torturous cold. His cheeks were bright pink, lips cold, and nose red by the time Valentino arrived in front of him. He ran to the car, hopping in.

"Hi, darli-" Valentino froze, the image of  Nathaniel being cold shocking him. "You're freezing." He turned up the heater, taking his coat from the back seat. "Put it on." Nathaniel smiled sweetly, "I'm fine, re-" "I said, put it on. Don't make me repeat myself, little boy." Nathaniel sighed, biting his lips to refrain from smiling before he put it on.

"Thank you," he said. "You're welcome, my darling." 

Valentino's intoxicating smell surrounded Nathaniel, the boy inhaling the scent. "Val..." He spoke up. "Yes?" Valentino looked at his through the corner of his eye, sneaking a glance. "You smell nice." Valentino chuckled. "Thank you, baby. You smell absolutely divine as well." 

"W-When did you smell me?" Nathaniel asked. Valentino began laughing. "When we kissed, little one." "OOH!"

Valentino stopped the car, smiling at Nathaniel. He stepped out of the car, walking around and opening Nathaniel's door for him.

"We're here, pretty boy." 

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