Twenty Two

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You know that feeling of hope sparkling up inside of you? When you're lost in a dark, gloomy cave with no light to guide you out, something, a miracle erupts out of nowhere. A small light of hope begins to shine when you're in the deepest of trouble, suffocating, not being able to breathe and just wanting this pain to end, that light comes through to save you. 

Nathaniel's light had burst through the door, a humongous beast reading to rip Nathanial's harasser to shreds, wanting blood to seep through his wounds as he punched him repeatedly. No mercy was the be taken upon the man, Valentino knew that for a fact when he saw Nathaniel screaming his lungs out, sobbing his heart out at the same time as trying to push the man away who has inserted a finger inside of him already, his hands down his pants without precaution or permission. 

Valentino locked eyes with the man, a tint of madness swirling in his darkened eyes. He looked crazy, the kind where one didn't know when to stop or what they were doing. Without warning, he lunged at the man, Nathaniel shrieking as he backed into the corner of the room, still feeling as if he was in the position where the man was still touching him, roaming his body with his sinful, dirty hands. He was tainted. Nathaniel was tainted. 

Valentino had the man under him, defenseless as he slammed his bleeding knuckles into his jaw repeatedly, seeing red, rage filling him completely. It was as if he was possessed, turning into a killing machine that did what it did best; kill. Nathaniel watched in horror as the man shut his eyes, knocked out, yet the man on top of him not stopping nor showing any signs of intending to stop. 

Even if Nathaniel wanted the man to rot away in hell, he couldn't let a man die. He needed to be punished by law, not by death. He opened his mouth yet nothing came out. He just choked on his tears, crawling to Valentino with his shirt unbuttoned and pants undone. He finally managed to yell at him to stop. "S-Stop! Valentino! S-Stop, yo-you're killing hi-him!" Valentino was too far gone to hear the abused boy. "Y-You're scaring me!" 

Valentino froze, his fist clenched, centimeters away from landing another blow onto the man's face. He locked eyes with Nathaniel's tears ones. The two didn't move, not taking their eyes off each other as they heard yelling outside, help rushing towards the room. One officer tried to help Nathaniel up, who screamed when the guy touched him, thrashing around. "Don't you guys fucking touch him!" Valentino roared, watching as they took away the man's body, telling the other's to question the staff since Valentino had already told them what had happened. When they left the two alone, Nathaniel curled himself into a ball, sobbing. The older boy rushed to his aid, trying to guide him through his little panic attack. "Nathaniel, darling," he spoke in a quiet voice, sweet like honey. 

"It's me, kitten. Care to look at me?" Nathaniel sniffled, slowly lifting his face off his knees as looking at Valentino. "May I touch you, kitten?" Nathaniel's lips quivered as he shook his head. "That's okay, I want you to do something for me, alright. Look around you and tell me five things you can see, alright? Can you do that for me?" 

Nathaniel's little body shook as his eyes roamed the room, "B-Bucket," he continued looking around, "S-Shoes." He blinked rapidly to gain better vision. "Ha-Hair," he said, looking at Valentino's curls. "A-A wa-watch." Valentino smiled encouragingly, "good boy, one more." "A-And the spot o-on the cei-ceiling." "That's a good boy. Now, please tell me four things you can touch." 

Nathaniel held his finger with his shaking hands, feeling as if his heart was slowing to a normal pace slowly, "Finger. P-Pants, f-floor, m-my hair, a-and," he reached out for Valentino's hand, holding it tightly and securely, the older boy smiling warmly, "Y-you hand." This technique went on until Nathaniel calmed. He was asked to acknowledge three things he could hear, two things he could smell and one thing he could taste. He chose a chocolate bar Valentino offered him for the last one. 

When it was all over, he was sat on Valentino's lap, the two sharing a sweet embrace. "Did you do anything? Did he- did he-" "C-Can w-we t-talk about that a-at home?" Valentino wanted to know then and there, but he wasn't about to pester the boy about it or push his limits. "Of course, let's go." Valentino helped Nathaniel up, the smaller boy's legs quivering, holding onto Valentino for support. 

When the reached Valentino's car, Valentino helped Nathaniel in, buckling his seatbelt for him. He then got in himself, beginning to drive fast, in a hurry to strip out of his bloody clothes and help Nathaniel as well. "What's your address, kitten?" Nathaniel didn't want to be alone that night. "C-Can we go to your place. I-If you don't mind, that is." Valentino didn't answer, taking the direction of his house.

In a short period of time, they were outside his door, Valentino pushing the key inside and jiggling it, unlocking the door. When they entered, the bed was made, the place was cleaned, looking spotless and neat. "H-How?" "The maids come to clean the place during the day when I'm at work since I don't want to be bothered." "Oh." 

Valentino shut the door, putting the keys onto the counter. "I'll run a bath. Do you want to go first, Nathaniel?" Nathaniel shrugged in response. "I don't mind." The boy decided to let him bathe first, checking the temperature of the water, making sure the jacuzzi was nice and warm. "Would you like some bubbles?" Nathaniel nodded enthusiastically, eyes sparkling. 

While the jacuzzi was filling up, the two had stripped their body of their clothes, both dressed in bathrobes for the time being. They put their dirty laundry away, Nathaniel dipping his hand into the water, playing around. Once it filled completely, Valentino left the room to give him his privacy. Lowering himself into the warm water, Nathaniel sighed, the water feeling amazing against his dirty skin, his aching muscles, and tired bones. 

He opened his eyes, biting his lower lip before he opened his mouth. "Valentino!" He yelled out, the boy running in to see what the problem was. "What's wrong?" "Wo-Would you like to get in with m-me?" 

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